Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment 1- Tahsen Hossain- Sup Dawg

"We are all divorced from life, we are all cripples, every one of us, more or less. We are so divorced from it that we feel at once a sort of loathing for real life, and so cannot bear to be reminded of it. Why, we have come almost to looking upon real life as an effort, almost as hard work, and we are all privately agreed that it is better in books." - The Underground Man

   Given that I have never before blogged with the sole exception of my brief time on Wattpad writing short stories which have long since been deleted, I don't quite know how to start a post. Let's go with the typical AA starter:

Hi, my name is Tahsen and I'm a student.

   My favourite quote at the moment is from the Underground Man (above). I'm not really sure why to be entirely honest. It is a genuinely hopeless statement but it's sincere and I can appreciate that. It also rather accurately describes what "geeks" me out and why.
What geeks me out is to escape. To walk past space and time with passing glance and exit from the confines of reality into the endless hallways outside and slide into another room.

   Or at least I do that in my head. Really, I just draw, watch movies, play videogames and play soccer.

   I love getting lost in stories. I used to love reading books because they were the best way to describe and imagine a world but now I tend to lean in favour of animated films and/or tv series because they can create dynamic images that words can't express and overcome the limitations of live-action media without losing overall quality. The best stories, I think, are those that aren't born into a vacuum of nothingness but are rather created as a part of a tightly closed system where everything inside the system has significance and can affect the rest of the system. One where every single detail is a part of a greater world. Tolkien's tales of Middle Earth, Breaking Bad, Castlevania (the Netflix series), and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are all excellent examples of such airtight storytelling.

   I dabble in writing and painting on my own but am nowhere close to being capable of creating something of a comparable calibre. My best painting thus far is the cherry blossom growing from a rotting heart (as seen below the left). My logo is a torch (as seen below on the right).

   My favourite website is MuseScore ( it lets me listen to music composed by amateur composers and compose music myself. Some of it is really impressive.


Assignment 1- Sarah Clark- tennis

Hi, I’m Sarah. The most meaningful part of my summer vacation was going to France. I stayed with a family for 3 weeks and it was really fun. My French correspondent then came back to the US, but she was actually pretty annoying and ungrateful. However, the experience was still fun and we are still in touch.  I also enjoyed dropping my brother off at his college in California. If I could have any superpower I would read minds. Tennis totally geeks me out!! I have played since I was little and every time I go on a court I smile:). I play about 3 times a week and play singles on the varsity team. Tennis season is in the spring, but in the fall and summer, there is a program called “Junior Team Tennis” that provides practice and tournaments. In the winter, I normally just play with my friends and take lessons. I hope to play tennis in college.
For my picture, I’m choosing a photo taken at the city tournament. In this tournament, Henry Clay girls and boys teams both won! I played singles and made it to the finals.

For my website, I  am choosing the AP Lang website. Every time I type in it’s URL, I am filled with hope. As my favorite class, this website seems appropriate to mark the day of my first blog post. I also like the haiku on the website, so I frequently open the page to read it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Assignment 1 - Elizabeth Moore - The Bob Evans Farm Festival

My family culture is a little redneck, with rich traditions like our annual trip to the Bob Evans Farm Festival in Rio Grande, Ohio, pronounced “Rye-O-Grand”.  The second weekend of October, we haul our 1960s Airstream to a little campsite down the road from Bob Evans’ original farm. The weekend is rife with bluegrass concerts, lumberjack shows, arts and crafts booths, homemade soup beans, and, my personal favorite, the cow-chip tossing contest. The cow-chip tossing contest - the most highly anticipated event of the year – requires that each team of two fling a dried cow patty down-field and catch it in a 5-gallon bucket. While I have yet to secure the glorious prize for victory in said contest (a t-shirt that reads “Shake my hand, I won the Bob Evans cow-chip-tossing contest”), I placed 2nd in the HIGHLY competitive adult division. Also, my nutcracker obsession is borderline concerning (see below).

Assignment 1 - Penelope Pierson - My Summer Vacation

 My name is Penelope Pierson. I don't have many interesting thing about me but I was able to visit Japan this summer. It has been a goal of mine to go to Japan since I was in elementary school, at least for a little while, and finally this year I got to visit Hokkaido. If I could, I would go back again. It was such a cultural difference but it made me realize just how different the Western world. I was aware that asian countries do implement western words/phrases when they speak, but in Japan, the amount of promotional signs and texts were in English which was shocking. Being able to immerse myself in the lifestyle was probably a memory that I will remember the most. Even while I'm back in Kentucky, I wish to once again visit such a beautiful country, where I'm able to understand the "convenience" style of living.

(Image: My TSA note I found in my luggage once I got to Japan)

My favorite website:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Assignment 1 – Howdy

For your first post, introduce yourself!

Share your name, but also a little bit about who you are. Some ideas to consider are:
What are your personal and academic goals for this school year?
What was the most meaningful moment of your summer vacation?
What superpower would you have if you could pick anything?
And so on and so forth.

I want to know what Geeks you out.
To receive full credit, you must insert a picture or video (of something)  AND a hyperlink to your favorite (appropriate) website.

Due Sunday, September 1st (My 50th Birthday)
150 word minimum

October 27th is last day to make up Blogs 1-8