Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment 4- Hannah Whaley -" Listen, Lady. You're Wrong."

The first time I remember having a contradictory thought to what I've been taught was about two years ago, at the age of fourteen. I am a good daughter and I am not up to any funky business. However, this woman (to whom I am related) is wrong. She believes that class matters. She doesn't want me to be friends with anybody who isn't middle class or higher. Class doesn't determine worth! I can be friends with who I want, and if this person can't afford fancy clothes doesn't mean they are lesser than. She also believes that I shouldn't be allowed to do as much as my twin brother because I am a female. My weakness and inherent ability to attract creeps come naturally because I am a girl. And so I cannot go too many places alone. I will be attacked! Kidnapped! Raped! Killed! I also disagree with my lack of freedoms. At the age I'm at, I am approaching adulthood and expect more respect for my decisions. Lastly, the rest of my argument cannot be shared or you all will surely know who I am speaking of. I love this lady and respect her. I just don't always agree with her.

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