Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment 9- Hannah Whaley - weapons of mass necessity

Fight fire with fire. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If they punch you, punch them back. These are all words that I've heard since a young age. Surprisingly, I happen to agree with them. Of course I, in agreement with the Miss America contestants, want world peace. But sometimes war is necessary to get there. When there are terrorist organizations like ISIS that will destroy lives for their cause without a second thought, it isn't likely that coming to a peaceful agreement will be successful. If they have bombs and guns and horrible intentions, our words aren't going to stop anybody. That's why war is needed. Sometimes there isn't a way to end destruction without destroying the enemy. It's more evil to sit idly by and watch innocents be slaughtered and pushed out of their homes than it is to confront the guilty. If weapons are the only way to stop other weapons, let us use them. When a county's people are at risk and there is no other reasonable way to save them, the country has a duty to go to war. Alternatives, such as "talking it out" or ignoring the issue are far from effective. War may not be humane, but going into a fight with only words to protect your people is much worse.

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