Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment 10- Hannah Whaley- Are you serious? I hate zombies

I find it incredibly amusing that I just admitted my irrational, crazy fear of zombies a blog or two ago and now here I am detailing my survival plan. Which, of COURSE I have a plan for survival. Let's say the outbreak of a new virus has begun destroying brain cells, leaving only the brainstem and a malfunctioning hypothalamus that sends constant signals of hunger to the brain. Humans are rather appetizing in this scenario. This is the roots cause of our "zombies." The virus is spread by bodily fluids - so a single bite can transfer the saliva that will make you one of them in the span of a few hours. How do you survive? I rely on the hope that one day a cure will be found. This hope keeps me going. I, of course, dress in items of clothing that cover every inch of my body with a light but difficult- to pierce material (like silk). I don't want zombie claws or teeth to draw blood in case I get infected by the virus. I don't want any loud weapons like guns because, as television shows, zombies have a keen sense of hearing. So, a silencer on my guns suffices because no way in hell am i getting close enough to the monsters to be within biting range. If any member of the party gets infected- they die. For food, we have missions to rob grocery stores and sleep in a fully guarded building far from zombie congregations. Some sort of fancy mansion with good alarm systems is ideal. If after a decade there's no cure and all my family is dead, I am unsure if my mission will continue or if I will just be done. Maybe I wouldn't even make it that long. Just speaking about such scenarios fills me with anxiety and anguish.
I hate zombies.

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