Sunday, November 10, 2019

Assignment 11-Sarah Clark-my neighbors Landon and Tahsen

Up until a few weeks ago, I sat next to Tahsen. Tahsen is always very nice to me and makes a point to ask how I am, what’s new with me, etc. I know Tahsen watches Better Call Saul (like me) and I know he plays soccer and was the second seed in a soccer tournament. If Tahsen were a color, he would be maroon, because whenever I picture him, I see him in a maroon hoodie. In 5 years, Tahsen will probably be in grad school, studying physics/math, because always helps me in those subjects. If Tahsen were an animal, I guess he would be an owl because he’s wise.

Now, I sit by Landon. Landon is also nice and can be really funny, but he seems more confused. You can’t really blame him for it, though, because he’s “new.” I think Landon plays soccer, and I know he’s taking anatomy. I don’t really know if I can classify Landon as a color, he seems all over the place, but I guess blue. Blue is a chill color, and Landon seems pretty chill, except he never knows when anything is due/when tests are. In 5 years, Landon will probably have graduated college, and will be looking for a job. I don’t really know his future plans, but he also seems pretty good at math because he talks about how easy Mrs. Dewees’s class is compared to his calculus class in Indiana. If he were an animal, I guess he’d be a dog, because he’s pretty friendly and his hair kinda reminds me of a shaggy dog.

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