Monday, November 25, 2019

Assignment #12: Organized Chaos- Kelly Landry

     My lifestyle is basically the embodiment of the phrase "organized chaos." I am a planner; I love writing out elaborate plans, making extensive to-do lists, rearranging/reorganizing to make life easier/better, I am a slight perfectionist, and tend to have lofty ambitions. However, my spontaneous and forgetful disposition sometimes gets in the way of my "inner perfectionist planner" because I will put together detailed plans and ideas but then either get bored of them or forget them. I like to keep my living spaces organized, however they are often slightly messy but I take time out of my week to focus on cleaning and organizing which keeps the mess in check.
     Additionally aesthetics and how things look are very important to me so get ready for minimalistic but artsy room decor (fun lights, photos, salt rock lamps, essential oil diffusers, etc.). I like to have a minimal amount of objects in my room, having less to keep up with makes cleaning much easier and it looks nicer (in my opinion).
     I am passionate about healthy living and self-improvement. I love eating healthy foods (I have a homemade smoothie basically every day), exercise (running, cycling classes, and working out), and "self-care" (usually in the form of skincare... I spend way too much of my money on new skincare products). I have an inclination to convince, intentionally and accidentally, my friends and those around me to acquire my "health-nut" tendencies, which is a fantastic trait if you're trying to improve your lifestyle.
     While I seem relatively outgoing I am definitively an introvert. I enjoy hanging out with friends and going on adventures, however I do need time by myself to "recharge" my "social battery." I am also a "people-pleaser" so I usually try the best I can to provide for/support those around me. This also means I probably won't stand up for myself/my opinions unless I feel it's critical that I do so.

P.S. you have to deal with any insects we may encounter.

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