Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 13- Jasir Rahman- Aborting Abortion

As a God-loving American, I value my individual rights.  I value my 1st amendment right to free speech, my 2nd amendment right to bear arms, and I despise these liberals trying to regulate businesses and the environment.  Most of all, I believe in the right to life, so much so that I believe that the prerequisite of life is more important than the impact a new life has on those who are already living.  I (despite my staunch anti-regulation beliefs on quite literally everything else) believe that we need to regulate women's bodies, and make sure that abortion is illegal to save babies.  

One of these baby-killing liberals may ask, well how are we going to prevent unplanned pregnancies.  The answer is simple.  Abstinence.  Teenagers are 100% receptive to being told not what to do, and never experiment with anything, so abstinence is sure to work.  Planned Parenthood is trying to turn our children into sex maniacs by distributing birth control and contraception to our children so they can make money off of abortions!  It is all a huge conspiracy to profit off the murder of babies!  By teaching abstinence across the board and banning abortions, we will prevent the blood baby business from booming, and save unborn children!

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