Monday, December 2, 2019

Assignment 14- Penelope Pierson: Family Traditions oh wow

Our family doesn't do much for Thanksgiving. It's mainly a break for my parents and a break for the kids, and we spend most of our time alone on each of our respective rooms. But, the only holiday we spent together would be Lunar New Years. As my mother is from Hong Kong, we are sure to eat lots of good food (even better than Thanksgiving food) and red pocket money is distributed. My mother and I wear qi pao, which is traditional clothing, though I try not to get it dirty as I stuff my face with multiples of different dishes. My favorite dish is roasted duck, and the texture is so superior to turkey and is not dry whatsoever. Thus, Thanksgiving's food, is not as high on my ranks for fun holiday meals as Lunar New Year, but I'm always happy to have a holiday where the main tradition is to eat! :)

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