Sunday, December 8, 2019

blog post 13 - Jake Waits

The most annoying thing to me is drivers who drive slowly in either in the fast lane or one lane if only one is available. This is bothersome because everyone hates driving and is just trying to get to their destination in a timely manner yet some people decide to drive the speed limit or below it for no reason at all even in perfect road conditions. I have a simple solution that fixes this problem and more and it is almost completely free to enact. Simply put the government should remove all speed limits. This would effectively make every road, street, highway, and lane into a mini autobahn. This would clear all traffic because people could go so fast they wouldn't have to worry about the morning traffic as everyone will be hitting 90 so going 60 would be considered going slow. Everyone's daily drive times would drop also drop drastically. Intersections would be cleared in seconds since people will be able to simply floor it and be on their way. The only problems with this are it would be dangerous to drivers and pedestrians. To that I would say if your a pedestrian and you try to jaywalk and get hit it seems like a personal problem and being hit is karma for breaking a law. If you are a driver and get in a collision due to high speeds then you should've practiced more and not gotten on the road if your not ready, tough luck.

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