Monday, January 13, 2020

#17- Galaxy Battles: The Ascent of Airrunner- Kelly Landry

 I have seen what people call "The Original" Star Wars movies. My highly unpopular, and inexpert, opinion is that they were okay, good for their time but not all they're hyped up to be. I recently saw the newest of the movies and was admittedly extremely confused. I know the general premise of the Star Wars movies, but (spoiler alert) was unaware of facts like Luke and Leia (I just looked it up and it turns out I spelled her name correctly on the first attempt) are siblings and not love interests. I also was unaware of Rey and Kylo Ren being star-crossed lovers (no pun intended), as well as Kylo Ren not being his name (I think?). I will also admit that for the last hour and a half of the movie I thought "Surely this is about to end," I was sorely mistaken, the movie is three hours long. Although it wasn't terrible, I was not invested; thus, the scenes intended to make hardcore fanatics were lost on me. Yes, I was a poser likely in a sea of Star Wars devotees; yes, I probably didn't enjoy or know enough about the movie as the aforementioned fanatics would prefer, but, I thought the acting was good. And there you have my take on a fandom I have no merit speaking about.

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