Sunday, March 29, 2020

Assignment 22 - Hannah Whaley - something to know about me?

One monumental circumstance in my life is that I’m a twin. People tend to forget about it because we’re fraternal. He’s a boy with dirty blond hair, fairer skin, hazel eyes, and a class clown mentality. We’re polar opposites. I like to read, he likes to shoot guns. I like to dance, he likes to play football. I’m up, he’s down. I’m right, he’s wrong. We naturally butt heads and it’s always been that way. But, I’m seventeen now, meaning I’ve had seventeen years to practice finding a balance. Polar opposites like my brother and me, it isn’t easy for us to see eye to eye. But I’ve become a master of trying to accept people for who they are and become close to them despite any disagreements. I’m obviously far from perfect. But if there’s one thing having a completely different person as a twin has taught me, it’s how to get along with completely different people. I’m a good fit for college because I’m friends with everybody. I’ve managed to find a way to open my mind to new experiences and perspectives without changing my own core beliefs. I’ve had seventeen years to perfect trying to put myself into other peoples’ shoes, and this is a great thing when being thrown into an entirely new world of strangers when attending college. In college, you discover types of people you didn’t even know existed. You meet groups you never could’ve imagined. And the ability to be open yet self aware could be very valuable to becoming part of the community on campus. He may be a butthole, but that’s one thing to thank my twin for.

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