Thursday, April 9, 2020

Quarantine school Juliann Hyatt Assignment 21

Sometime in middle school I stopped doing my homework at home. There was enough downtime during
class and time after I had finished my assignments that I could easily complete all my work during the
day, save for the occasional project. I’ve carried this habit over to high school, and for the most part it
works out okay. Until recently, where all the work is at home. Now I can no longer get into that school
mindset by immersing myself in a school setting. To combat this, I have a few different methods. First,
the Zoom meeting I must attend every day is always at the same time, so that gives me a schedule.
The fact that Andy Beshear comes on every day at 5 supplements that. So i look at the two times, and
the list of assignments I must complete, and from there I set times on when I will do each assignment.
So far it’s working well enough, but we’ll have to wait and see how long this social isolation stays in

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