Thursday, May 21, 2020

Assignment 23 - Lia Jacobs - dinner/when it's raining playlist

If I'm being completely honest, I don't consider myself to have a very strong or interesting taste in music. A lot of what I listen to is relatively mainstream and if not it's too all over the place to form a playlist. Before I list off the songs I'm going to put on here, you need a brief explanation. Before quarantine my family had pretty hectic schedules so we never really ate dinner together, but now that we're home all day every day we've all started eating dinner together. One night we had a big Italian meal and I was tasked to find background music. I simply typed in 'Italian Restaraunt Music' on Spotify, and what appeared was an extensive selection of crooning old men. I don't know why but I really enjoyed it, and now it plays in the background of many of our family dinners. I've also found it very enjoyable to listen to when it's pouring outside. These songs are all kind of corny, but I still think they're fun to listen to on occasion.

1. The Lady is a Tramp - Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga
What's not to love about this song. First of all I've always been a fan of Lady Gaga's singing, but this song as a whole is just a fun listen. The song is overall very upbeat, I love the trumpet (?) throughout the song. It fits perfectly into this list of semi-Italian background music and could uplift anybody's mood.

2. Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra
This is the kind of song that feels straight out of a '60s movie. It's just a feel-good song and gives me nostalgia from a time when I wasn't even alive. I definitely wouldn't add this to any of my other playlists, but it just fits so perfectly with the crooner dinner music theme.

3. Oh Marie - Louis Prima
This song is a bit faster paced than the other songs, but it still fits with the overall genre. I think it's really fun and unique how it sounds like he's having a conversation with the instruments that are being played. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but I'll say it again, this song just makes you feel good. It's what I can imagine people would dance to in the '50s, and it makes me wish I was born back then.

4. Sway - Dean Martin
It's a classic, I feel like everybody knows this song. It's catchy but not so overpowering that it can't be a background song. I'm not even quite sure if this playlist is Italian-related anymore, but all of it at least sounds like what you'd hear at an Italian restaurant. Anyways, even if I can't quite describe the type of songs these are, they're all definitely related in some way.

5. Anything Goes - Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga
I know, another song from the same album, but it's worth it. It's classy, it's upbeat, it's just fun to listen to. It feels like the kind of song that the main characters of a movie would dance to in the kitchen. Just imagine yourself listening to this song, strolling through a rainy day, nothing would make me happier.

6. La Vie en Rose - Andrea Bocelli
Even though this is a different adaptation of the song, I'm pretty sure I've known the lyrics to this song since I was about 5. For some odd reason young me had a fascination with Edith Piaf and would listen to her on repeat for hours and hours. This was one of the songs she sang, and this adaptation holds up well. Maybe it's just because I love this song, but it just feels like a big warm hug, so comforting and gleeful.

7. Buona Sera - Louis Prima
This song is another one where you just can't help but feel happy. It starts out kind of slow, and by the end you just want to be dancing. I can't quite figure out why, but the start of the song is just so entertaining. The instruments sound like they're marching and even though I have no idea what he's saying I still want to sing along.

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