Monday, May 11, 2020

Assignment 26 - cat lucier - good class

AP Lang was pretty good this year. While timed writings aren't exactly enjoyable, I liked the practice of doing timed writings (a silent classroom with pens on paper is so peaceful) and then grading and discussing the essays. I suppose I liked all of the discussions because we could speak our minds as long as we had evidence and support for our claims. The Socratic Seminars were interesting and thought-provoking, but I don't understand how that grading system worked because I would do all the things required plus more, and grade myself well and my partner would also grade me well, but then I would get like a 50% in the grade book. I guess it would be nice if you were a little more open about how you're grading us, or like do one of those grading checklist sheets for us too, so that we have a self-grade sheet, and grade sheet from our partner, and a grade sheet from you. I think you taught a good class, although for future years maybe talk about the multiple choice part of the AP test more, but other than that, thank you.

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