Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assignment 1 - Bethany Welch - About Me

I'm Bethany, and I consider myself a quiet but rather hardworking person. In terms of school related goals, I want to make straight A's and hopefully qualify for the National Merit Scholar award. I'd also like to bring my ACT score up 3-4 points, and pass all of my AP exams with a 4 or higher. For my personal goals, I'd like to become a better caretaker and devote more time to my pets, become an overall nicer and more outgoing person, and go out of my comfort zone in terms of public speaking and making new friends. This year I've also been approved to begin an Animal Rights Club, so I'd like for that to be successful as that is something I'm quite passionate about.

As for my summer vacation, the most meaningful moment was definitely the end of Duke TiP camp. Duke TiP is a summer studies program that I've attended 4 times now, and this summer was my last year. I had many friends in the program, many that I'd known for years, but they lived in other states and it'd be incredibly difficult to see them outside the camp. The last day of the camp was incredibly sad but also quite sweet, as we were able to say our goodbyes to each other.

If I could pick one superpower, it'd most likely be the power to turn invisible. I know, it sounds like a pretty basic response, but I find it quite interesting.

To tell a bit about me, I'd have to include my extracurriculars and hobbies. Outside of school, I've been doing horseback riding since I was 3 years old, I've been figure skating for about a year and a half, and I paint and play piano in my free time. This year I joined the Cross Country team, and I've participated on the girls Lacrosse team for 3 years now. I've been part of the Future Medical Pros club for three years now, as a career in the medical field is what I'm interested in pursuing in my future. I also joined JROTC my sophomore year, and it's definitely been one of my best decisions. I joined their Raider team, mostly to just get in shape but also to hang out with my friends. I actually ended up being pretty good and participated in the JROTC Raider Nationals in Molena, GA.

For my picture, I'll just put a picture of my rabbit Zeus since I don't have many other pictures.

I'd say my favorite website is probably because I have a pretty bad online shopping obsession.

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