Monday, September 2, 2019

Assignment 1- Hannah Whaley

I am Hannah Whaley. Today is Monday and not Sunday - so this is late. I care a decent amount about my performance in school, but if I don't have to do extra work or study then I certainly won't. This year I want to get all A's, maybe become a National Merit, and definitely decide where I am going to college (or at least get scholarships). The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was when I went to my cousin's engagement party in Germany and saw people I haven't seen in decades - or in my entire life. It was a bit of a culture shock and one of my aunts is evil, but it was fun. If I could have any super power, it would be to make duplicates of myself that are all completely sentient and capable. Not only would that make me able to protect myself, but I wouldn't have to do nearly as much work all myself. In my free time, I love to read (of course science fiction and fantasy), watch TV, workout, sing/dance, play fun games (whether active or more like Dungeons and Dragons), and hang out with my friends. Right now an activity that not only geeks me out but makes me look like a geek is probably painting miniatures. I don't tell people I do that unless they would understand why because DnD already gets lots of hate, and painting figurines of monsters or dwarves is definitely out there. Nobody will actually read this so I will include a picture of something I painted just for the heck of it. A website I really like is this one:     please donate flowers :)

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