Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assignment 11- Daniel Mendoza Vasquez

On my right is Davis and on my left is Elizabeth. I can’t say that I’m friends with either of them, but that’s most likely a result of how reserved I usually am. I’ve known Elizabeth since middle school and I know that she is multi-talented. I know that she is a dancer and a very good one at that. I remember dancing salsa with her in seventh grade for a Mother’s Day festival, which is a very strange and funny event in retrospect. The point is, though, that she was a good choreographer and picked up on how the dance went much quicker than everyone else. Also, just judging from what she leaves lying on her desk some days, I can tell that she is a great artist. Sketching, painting, whatever. I envy that, since I’d like to think that I'm fairly skilled as an artist, but seeing the far superior things she draws is humbling. I would also describe her as focused and methodical--she seems like someone who paces themselves in doing their work (whatever it may be), getting it done and doing it well. And if that assumption is wrong, then she does a great job of concealing it. Green seems to be an appropriate color to associate with her, not for any particular reason other than she strikes me as someone who enjoys the outdoors. I know less about Davis; I’ve only known him since the beginning of high school--literally, we sat next to each other in biology the first few months. Almost everything I do know about him comes from what he says aloud in class. So, I can conclude that he is confident and unafraid to speak what’s on his mind. That’s not always a good thing, but I admire it, as I am the complete opposite. If I had to assign him a color, it would be red, precisely because of his boldness and tenacity.

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