Monday, January 13, 2020

#18: Before I Finish Living, I want to Live- Kelly Landry

     Before I finish high school I want to do the absolute most I can. This is a very general and immeasurable goal- which is my point. This can be applied to anything and I can carry this task out in any way I see fit, without the looming disappointment of failing my goals. For school this means I want to try the absolute best I possibly can and not give up even when it' difficult and I don't understand stuff. For relationships, because soon I won't be seeing my friends and family basically every day, this means saying yes, even if  have doubts or try to come up with excuses because I'd rather be able to look back on memories with the people I care about instead of regretting excuses I made because I wasn't completely feeling it. And just in general I want to experience as much as I can.
     Before I finish college I want to travel outside of the country more because I might not be able to once working life hits. This goes along with wanting to do/experience the most I can.
     Before I finish living I want to live. I don't want to look back on a boring, mundane life that I'm not proud of. I want to know I did my best and accomplished as much as I could.

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