Sunday, January 19, 2020

Assignment 19 - how to begin - cat lucier

When I was 8, I was throwing a tantrum because I didn't want to clean my room. Eventually, I calmed down a bit but I didn't know where to start, so my dad told me to "start with the low-hanging fruit". I now use this phrase in pretty much every part of my life. I need to clean my room? Start with the dirty socks on the floor and throw them in the laundry bin. I have a near-overwhelming amount of homework? Start with the small, easy assignments like a Spanish verb conjugation chart. The house needs to be cleaned before people come over? Start by folding the blankets wadded up on the couch. It's a great way to not feel immediately overwhelmed with big tasks. Also, it helps you get started on a task and not procrastinate it further. 10/10 would recommend.

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