Friday, April 24, 2020

Assignment 24 - Junior Year - Cat Lucier

Junior year has been a bit rough, but the good things that happened easily outweigh the bad. I know I'm going to be "classic teenage girl" when I say this, but breakups are hard and boys are dumb and I don't need to give any more detail to establish that stuff as the main negative parts of my year. However, as unfortunate as it is, breakups are really good for my grades. When I am sad, I distract myself and bury my emotions in schoolwork. Of course, I keep straight A's throughout the year; they only fluctuate in percentages. 
Here are the good things that have happened. I've learned how to keep the peace with my parents, so my home life is great. I've planted a small but prolific vegetable garden. I've read lots of fantastic books. Probably due to my status as a National Merit Semifinalist and my incredible ACT scores, the United States Military Academy (West Point) reached out to me to invite me to apply to college there, and in addition to that, I applied to and was accepted to their Summer Leaders Experience. I've also reached some other milestones in growing up that I will leave to your imagination. I could keep going with all the excellent things that have happened but I have other things to do and I've already said all the things off the top of my head.
Here's how the COVID-19 epidemic has affected me. My mum, dad, sister, and I have been holed up together since school was canceled. School is alright, though I think I prefer having alotted time for each class each day as opposed to doing my own thing. I watch a lot of Criminal Minds (although I only have one season left), but things are good. My family and I went through a minor tumultuous time at the beginning, but now we have fallen into an easy, comfortable routine. I've read lots of books, and I've picked up my guitar again. I've gardened and cooked and baked and napped. While I do miss external social interaction, I'm rather enjoying quarantine. The weather has been excellent and I've been able to try new activities and ideas. I facetime with my best friend Sam and my other friend Landry almost every day and I listen to music constantly. 
Junior year has been good. There have been ups and downs, but it is the best year I've had since I moved here. I'm comfortable with myself and my friends and school and family and it's been good. I don't want to become a senior and turn 18 and become a legal adult and have responsibilities and go away to college and !!!! that's scary.

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