Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment 20 - How to read a book in a single sitting - Cat Lucier

How to read a book in a single sitting (or a very short time; it depends upon the length and complexity of the book). These aren't in any particular order. 
1. Get your phone confiscated by your parents because you were sick at school (it's because of that damn phone not because you actually contracted an illness or anything.) You could also throw it in a lake or river, or just turn it off and leave it in a different room.
2. Get a bottle of water. I like the reusable kind with the straw that flips up because you don't have to take your eyes off the page to take a drink, and I like to chew on the rubber mouthpiece as a sort of fidget while I'm reading.
3. Get a blanket. Even if it is the middle of summer, and you are plenty warm already, a blanket is good for providing a cushion for any bony body part and can double as a pillow if your neck gets tired.
4. Get a big, semi-comfortable chair. It is important that this mustn't be a chair that is too squishy and comfortable and leans back (think La-Z-Boy) because you will fall asleep. I prefer an ugly floral print wingback chair that was my great-grandmother's because it is wooden and has lost most of its padding, but it still soft enough to be comfortable for hours upon end, and it is large enough that I can curl up in many different positions without hurting an elbow or something.
5. Get a book that you can't seem to put down. I have a few favorites that I can read in an hour or two and have read many times. There are others that I started and couldn't put down. Usually, Stephen King or Ellen Hopkins are authors whose books do that for me. 
6. Read!

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