Sunday, March 8, 2020

Assignment 21 - Hannah Whaley - when I broke my butt bone

In 7th grade, I had just made my way to the top of the Tates Creek Middle School dance team. I’d worked hard for the front and center spot in the formation, and I was proud of my hard work. But sometimes life sucks. It was winter break, I was sledding with my siblings. The thin green sled we sat on was like gold - it had lasted us five years up until then. I was stomping up the hill in my snow boots, the sled trailing behind me.
My brother, sister and I all loaded on to the sled, ready for another round down the hill. This time, we chose a new path for our sled - one our mom would never have allowed had she been there. We started down the hill, the rush of excitement worth the initial fear. But this time, it wasn’t worth it. Halfway down the hill, a felt my butt hit a rock through the thin green sled. I was fine! No problem. But as soon as I tried to stand up, tears flooded down my face. I’d broken my butt, or my coccyx to be specific. I could hardly sit down, much less dance. All my hard work to be front and center, and I had to take a break halfway through competition season. I had to go and cheer for my team and watch as some girl I happened to dislike took my place. Through this experience, I learned patience in recovery and developed a respect for the unpredictability of life. It happens. Life sucks sometimes.

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