Friday, January 24, 2020

Assignment 18 - Tahsen Hossain - Lists of the Bucket Variety

General Information: The lists are not in any specific order. The priorities are bolded.

Before highschool ends I need to...

- Enjoy my parents cooking while I'm still here since I can't have it in college, as often.
- Figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life
- Write a novel or comic book that I'll probably cringe at later in my life.
- Orchestrate or at least be a part of an awesome senior prank
- Spend as much time with my friends as possible

Before college ends I need to...

- Have at least one stable relationship
- Go on a road trip with some friends
- Go bungee jumping and/or skydiving
- Start a small side-hustle and hopefully make more profit than my current side hustle
-Find some way to be helpful to the people around me

Before I roundhouse kick the proverbial bucket I need to...

-Be able to look back and be content with all that's happened and all I've done

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