Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment 18- Andrei Zivkovic - “challenges for my life”

In some ways to me a bucket list is just a list of challenges that you make for yourself sort of like those New Years resolutions that you “make” even though most people don’t fulfill them. I’m not saying bucket lists should be that exciting but definitely more than a list of resolutions. To start of on my life bucket list something I wanna do before high school ends is put myself out in the world more, do something that’s outside my comfort zone. This is a very broad idea but I can’t think of anytime I really went out in the world and tried to start something. I feel like it would be a fun experience and help me with confidence as well. Something before I graduate college would be go on a road trip or vacation with friends. College is a time that you get a fresh start I want to meet new people and then take a road trip around the U.S or some sort of adventure that would help is bond. I think that would be a great experience to do while you’re growing up with new people sort of. The big thing on my bucket list is one that I want to do before I die is to go back to Russia. I haven’t been back to where I was from and I really don’t know when I will get that opportunity but it is definitely something I have to do. I want to see the town where I was born and who knows maybe meet my birth parents but one step at a time. It would be a great experience to see just where I was from and my roots and I look forward to the time that I get to do this.

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