Sunday, February 9, 2020

assignment 19 Juliann Hyatt

The best advice I’ve ever gotten was not given to me directly, it was actually explained on Game Grumps by Dan avidan, and the exact name of it is too explicit to say here, so I’ll paraphrase. 

It’s called the “[Screw] it adjustment”. How does it work? Simple. Say something isn’t working out for you and you’re really stressed over it. Just pause, evaluate if it’s THAT important, and if not? [Screw] it and move on. Just chuck it in the [Screw] it bucket and move on. Life’s too short to be stuck doing things that don’t matter and that you don’t enjoy. Once I realized this, my grades slipped a bit, yes, but I also became less stressed, slept better, and enjoyed life a bit more. I’m still working on it to this day, but the adjustment has helped me prioritize things immensely. 

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