Wednesday, May 27, 2020

#26: Kelly Landry

When you first introduced the concept of blog posts I wasn’t the biggest fan. I thought “spilling my secrets and opinions on the internet to a bunch of my teacher and making them available for my peers to see as well will surely be terrible.” Surprisingly enough, I actually enjoyed writing blog posts. Some topics are much easier to write about than others but it’s almost like journaling in a way because for the most part people don’t see them. It has also stimulated some deeper thinking about topics I normally wouldn’t dwell for too long on. However, I do have to say that reading all of our essays aloud became tedious and kinda caused unforeseen conflicts. Additionally the setting in which the essays were read lead to a lot more negative view of the essays simply because the only thing people could elaborate on were errors and sometimes those errors were not errors at all but rather stylistic choices that were brutally shut down by a few people.

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