Monday, May 25, 2020

Assignment 26 - Bethany Welch

This class definitely was a challenge for me as I've never been a skilled writer, and honestly I did not think I would enjoy the class because I thought it would be a struggle. However, I really feel like this class brought me a different approach to writing and that you helped me see writing as less of a scary thing. To start off with the beginning of the year, I actually really enjoyed reading the summer reading book and it was probably the only summer reading assignment I've liked. I really liked how we did so many timed writings in class because I knew I was practicing the AP content, not random content that I'd have to hope matched up with the AP test. However, I'll be honest, I was not a fan of how we graded the timed writings. I definitely think it is beneficial for some people, but as a person who is not proud of their writing ability, I dreaded hearing what people said about mine and I found myself trying not to listen to what people said. I do want feedback, but I think the anonymity allowed people to be a bit too harsh at times. I also wish the class spent a bit more time on how to fix what we're doing wrong than just what we're doing wrong, because sometimes I knew what I was doing wrong but really didn't know how to fix my writing to bring it up a point or two. I did really enjoy the freedom of the class though, I liked how I was able to be creative in blogs or various projects. I appreciated how you didn't give a ton of homework, because I felt like the class made good use of the students' time in school and any other homework would've been extra stuff. This class really stood out to me this year because it was more laid back than my other classes but still covered all of the necessary content, it was a nice start to my day and quickly became one of my favorite classes. I hope my opinions don't come off as rude at all because I really enjoyed this class. Have a good summer Mr. Logsdon!

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