Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Assignment 26 Juliann hyatt

First of all, thank you for teaching the test. I’m not sure about how everyone else thinks about this, but in my opinion, if my curriculum forces me to take an AP class, I’d like for that class to prepare me for the AP test. Anyone who knows me knows that the English language and its literary nuances are not my cup of tea, and as such I wasn’t taking this class for fun, I was taking it to fulfill a checkbox and to get that sweet, sweet English credit for college so at least some of the 13 years of public school English lessons count. And this course pretty much helped me achieve that end. My criticism for this class is that I had a hard time tracking down the Socratic seminar pieces that were due each day and where to find them. That could be a personal failure on my part, but many of my friends had trouble as well. Also, while they were an absolute pain, the timed writings did actually help on the test, so thanks for forcing us through all that. I’m no English class connoisseur, so my advice is what it is, but in my opinion this class worked for me.

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