Friday, May 29, 2020

Assignment 26- Mary Huffman- Better late than never?

I know this blog post is too late to be accepted, but I still want to complete it to round out the year, for some personal closure I guess.
Though I may have sometimes rolled my eyes and wondered about the relevance of our activities in class, I've realized more of it has helped me than I knew while in the classroom. I enjoyed the casual atmosphere and the encouragement of discussion you provided. Socratic seminars were a little painful to prepare for and to find interest in at first, but I think they helped me better analyze a work and understand nuance much more strongly than before. That being said, the discussion of peers' essays didn't help me much. It made the rubric more confusing to grapple with and took time that I think we could've used to practice writing in what would've been a normal testing environment. The Visual Literacy projects, from beginning to end, were unconventional and fun, but I don't know that they helped me with the AP Lang exam. They were useful in other ways, but I don't know how relevant they were in the context of the rest of the class. Studying Writing with Style was rather grueling and it took a long time for me to warm up to the class after that. It didn't help me as much as I'd have liked, but practicing and sitting down to write made my writing much better than any notes or discussion. 
Overall, I enjoyed the class and how it was conducted, especially in retrospect. I'll admit that there were times I thought you'd gone a little off the rails, but looking back, I learned a lot, even if it wasn't all directly applicable to the AP exam.

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