Sunday, September 1, 2019

Assignment 1- Mary Huffman- A Grand Summer, or Intro to Mary

My name is Mary Huffman, as you should know. Some of my goals this year are to sleep 7 hours
every night and pass all my classes. I also want to be involved in more extracurriculars to get my
résumé game up, watch every Saints football game, and stay being a savage. 
This summer, my family and I drove to and from the Grand Canyon, about 1800 miles each way. We
stopped at several places on the journey, and I still can't decide which was my favorite. My family and
I spent about a day just driving through the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Most of that
time was spent on "the highest paved road in America," which led to the peak of Mount Evans.
Travelling on this road was absolutely the scariest experience of my life. The road was barely paved
in some patches, it was made of switchbacks, and we followed a steady trail of tail lights up the
mountain when we could see them. Eventually, we were driving above the clouds, but the visibility still
must have been a solid 10 feet. Every now and then, you could look up at the snow-covered rock and
see very well-camouflaged mountain goats. The most remarkable part of treacherous Mount Evans
was that hail was coming through the car's sunroof in the middle of July.
A slightly embarrassing thing that "geeks me out" is the original Star Trek series from the '70s. I know
it's incredibly cheesy, but I try to watch the show every night when it comes on. Unsurprisingly, I've
seen a lot of commercials meant for elderly people, such as advertisements for C-PAP cleaning
machines and asbestos poisoning. 
I know I haven't stopped talking about it, but this photo was taken at the Grand Canyon. I watched the
sunset over the canyon while people all around me spoke in rapid French about how beautiful it was.
And yes, I was a little too close to the edge for a moment, but I did a little foot maneuver and managed
to keep myself out of one of those "Deaths in the Canyon" books.

My favorite website is the following link, mostly because it's the one I've spent the most time on
recently while I tried for days to figure out how to make a blog post.

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