Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment 4: Juliann Hyatt: Suprise! You're argument is invalid.

I don’t act like it, but I’ve been raised in the Southern Baptist church. Not many people know this as I’ve tried to keep it quiet due to the assumptions about the church and their views on homosexuality, and also most of my friends are atheist. Up until around the 6th grade, I didn’t agree with homosexuality, simply because that was how I was taught to view the world. Then, around this time, I developed a crush on a guy with lesbian mothers. I honestly didn’t care, but I was terrified of mentioning it to my family. So I asked one of my friends where exactly in the Bible it said that it was not okay to be gay. The most often quoted verse on the subject is Leviticus 18:22, which reads “ Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination..” Even if you believe the Bible was translated correctly and without bias (it wasn’t), and even if your under the impression that you still have to follow these rules(you don’t; that was the whole thing with Jesus dying for our sins), a few verses before that, it condemns having sex with your neighbors wife or an animal, and in the next chapter, it condemns breeding two different animals, planting two different crops in the same field, eating seafood, and wearing clothes with two different fabrics. So even if you insist on following the letter of the Bible, as long as bestiality is still legal, my family keeps eating shrimp, three-sister-farming exists, and mules are born, people don’t really disagree with being gay as part of the Bible, its just bigotry. (Especially as God doesn’t condone hate against anyone; that’s another one of His whole big things)

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