Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment 4 - Cat Lucier - Another post about church, but not about the belief

I was baptized Catholic. I don't and never have gone to Catholic church except for occasional Christmasses when my grandma asks me to go with her. 
When my family lived in Indiana, we attended the Unitarian Universalist church pretty regularly.
When my family lived in Utah, we didn't go to church. It was LDS churches galore, and the nearest UU church was in Salt Lake City, over 45 minutes away.
Now we live here. And we go to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington (UUCL) every few weeks. It is not my favorite thing to do. Usually, my sister and I beg off with homework. My parents have never liked that. They believe it is very important to go there for the community and for the "beneficial life lessons" and such. Some of the sermons are okay. Our minister is excellent, but there is only so much of the weird hippie people I can take. This morning, my parents handed down the verdict that my sister and I each get 1 Get-Out-Of-Church-Free pass each year. For every additional time we miss, we don't get to go to some other activity during the week. They deem church to be a higher priority than dance classes (which they pay hundreds of dollars each month for, and if we miss more than 3 classes, we get kicked out of the show), piano/viola lessons (of which we are very high level, and I have tens of thousands of dollars of scholarship money for college because of my ability, and in a few years, Viv will surely have more than that because she is dextrous at both piano and viola); there would be more activities, such as academic team or Model UN, but the Galavotti girls go to the other ones too, and my parents can't just not pick them up. 
This turned into more of a rant than I intended. In short, I have questioned the idea that going to church is a higher priority than my academic and extracurricular success. It may be good for the community and such, but I simply do not believe that it is more important than the things that are going to get me into a good college with good scholarships. With this new policy of my parents' emerging just this morning, we shall see the outcomes in the coming weeks. Hopefully, they forget about it and I can focus on my studies on Sunday mornings.

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