Thursday, April 30, 2020

Assignment 22- unique? Juliann Hyatt

Way back when school was a thing you actually went to instead of logged on to, colleges were allowed to
travel to try and get people to apply for their school. One visit I remember in particular was Yale, mainly
because the cover said “Y&LE” and all I could read was “yandle”, but also because of what the
admissions officer said. Out of all the essays that she and her peers have read, they have yet to find
someone unique. No aspect of my personality exists that I can write about that would make me unique
to them. While the concept is strange at first, once you begin to think about it, it really isn’t. There’s
7.6ish billion people in this world. 

So as to not end on that downer, apparently I am the only Juliann Hyatt in America, according to I guess that makes me unique in that way? I may also be the only person with
“The trashiest worm”, “tomat”, “gayvis”, and “The literal Police” as contacts in my phone. But that’s
circumstantial and overwhelmingly unimportant in the whole college thing.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Assignment 24-Mary Huffman-To peak or not to peak

I’m struggling to remember the last eight months of my life. I have no medical diagnoses to justify it, but to say my Junior year is now a blur is an understatement. Social distancing, self isolation, quarantine, whatever your name for it, it’s hit me harder than I thought it would. What was life like before all this? What will it be like after? I don’t know. As I attempt to remember the past, I must also recognize its dependence on the uncertainty of the future. 
By that, I mean my Junior year has first and foremost been a year of worrying about my future. I am very seldom a stressed individual, but spending endless days alone in my room has meant I sit on my floor at strange hours doing breathing exercises any time I think about my future. It’s messed me up, being anxious all the time. This year has been one of anxiety.
I thought for a long time that I had peaked in Sophomore year. I didn’t think I’d be more consistently successful across the board for the rest of my life. That was naive. Cocky. A little obnoxious. I made more friends in that year than any other, and I kinda felt popular. Which really wasn’t true, but I believed it. I haven’t made many new friends this year, but I have strengthened a lot of relationships. My circle got smaller, but it’s a solid circle now. This year has been one of amazing friends who I love and who I wouldn’t trade for the world.
My word of the year has been “perspective.” I’ve used it way too much to help ground myself and those around me. I feel like I’ve grown a lot as a person thanks to this little word. I try to remember perspective when I want to judge somebody, or when I get worked up over something minor. It takes me back to the poster that every English teacher in the history of English teachers has hung in their room: “In 30 years it won’t matter what jeans you wore…” You know the one. I hate embarrassing myself and I avoid it at all costs. So, with a little perspective, I imagine what I would think about my actions a couple hours, days, years from that moment and I reconsider. This year has been one of perspective.

And now I abandon my philosophical facade. It’s not really a facade ya know, but I like how that sounded. Now to the shallow side of my Junior year. I’ve tried to tone down my jealousy this year, with mixed results. If any boys have made it this far, I’m forgetting all that perspective stuff and letting you know that I have a Snapchat. Lots of people around me have found new relationships this year, and I’m happy for them, but I need to keep working on that jealousy thing. I also regret that I didn’t suck up to my teachers more. One of the reasons I do breathing exercises on my floor is that I don’t know who likes me enough to write an honest rec letter. I hope being a mediocre, often nondescript student all year doesn’t bite me in the butt, but I think it might. I think I’m a Senior now, which terrifies me. Junior year doesn’t feel complete. My character arc for the year didn’t quite make it halfway around. But that has to be ok. My goals for Senior year are to become more like an adult and to do everything right I did during Junior year and more. I want to have fun, despite the Academy’s tight restraints on such a thing. Above all, I want to peak again, to show Sophomore me she wasn’t all that.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Assignment 24 - Junior Year - Cat Lucier

Junior year has been a bit rough, but the good things that happened easily outweigh the bad. I know I'm going to be "classic teenage girl" when I say this, but breakups are hard and boys are dumb and I don't need to give any more detail to establish that stuff as the main negative parts of my year. However, as unfortunate as it is, breakups are really good for my grades. When I am sad, I distract myself and bury my emotions in schoolwork. Of course, I keep straight A's throughout the year; they only fluctuate in percentages. 
Here are the good things that have happened. I've learned how to keep the peace with my parents, so my home life is great. I've planted a small but prolific vegetable garden. I've read lots of fantastic books. Probably due to my status as a National Merit Semifinalist and my incredible ACT scores, the United States Military Academy (West Point) reached out to me to invite me to apply to college there, and in addition to that, I applied to and was accepted to their Summer Leaders Experience. I've also reached some other milestones in growing up that I will leave to your imagination. I could keep going with all the excellent things that have happened but I have other things to do and I've already said all the things off the top of my head.
Here's how the COVID-19 epidemic has affected me. My mum, dad, sister, and I have been holed up together since school was canceled. School is alright, though I think I prefer having alotted time for each class each day as opposed to doing my own thing. I watch a lot of Criminal Minds (although I only have one season left), but things are good. My family and I went through a minor tumultuous time at the beginning, but now we have fallen into an easy, comfortable routine. I've read lots of books, and I've picked up my guitar again. I've gardened and cooked and baked and napped. While I do miss external social interaction, I'm rather enjoying quarantine. The weather has been excellent and I've been able to try new activities and ideas. I facetime with my best friend Sam and my other friend Landry almost every day and I listen to music constantly. 
Junior year has been good. There have been ups and downs, but it is the best year I've had since I moved here. I'm comfortable with myself and my friends and school and family and it's been good. I don't want to become a senior and turn 18 and become a legal adult and have responsibilities and go away to college and !!!! that's scary.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Assignment 25: Uniquely You – Mulligan (College)

This is a Makeup Blog Post.  If you have a score that is less than a 30/30, this will replace that grade

When I tell my wife I’ve met someone new (a friend – don’t go there) she always asks, “what’s their story?”  She is keenly interested in the who, the capital WHO, a person is - in that she wants to know their story.  You have a story.  You have a unique background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful you believe you are incomplete without telling it

Inspired by Keanu Gomez
Minimum of 150 words.  Due on May 3 @ 11:59 pm

May 10 is the last day to make up blogs 23-25

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Blog 17 - Jake Waits

In terms of narrative structure, The Dark Knight is Christopher Nolan's simplest and most linear film. Even Batman Begins was riddled with flashbacks, but TDK plays it straight, and very effectively. Inception, meanwhile, is probably Nolan's most complex--Memento squared, in a way. Yet, I was never lost, never in the dark as to what was going on. That movie is constructed perfectly. I just saw Inception today, and I'm still buzzing. Overall it’s because of the acting. Heath Ledger in TDK gives a performance for the ages, and everybody else is fantastic. This is not to say the acting in Inception is bad. But the sheer audacity and inventiveness of the concept, by default, means that the actors have a little--just a little--less to work with. As I love actors and great performances even more spectacular set pieces and sci-fi concepts, I have to go with TDK as the better film.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Quarantine school Juliann Hyatt Assignment 21

Sometime in middle school I stopped doing my homework at home. There was enough downtime during
class and time after I had finished my assignments that I could easily complete all my work during the
day, save for the occasional project. I’ve carried this habit over to high school, and for the most part it
works out okay. Until recently, where all the work is at home. Now I can no longer get into that school
mindset by immersing myself in a school setting. To combat this, I have a few different methods. First,
the Zoom meeting I must attend every day is always at the same time, so that gives me a schedule.
The fact that Andy Beshear comes on every day at 5 supplements that. So i look at the two times, and
the list of assignments I must complete, and from there I set times on when I will do each assignment.
So far it’s working well enough, but we’ll have to wait and see how long this social isolation stays in

Monday, April 6, 2020

Blog post 24 - Jake Waits

Junior year was great. It was a great deal greater than sophomore year which isn't hard to do. It was not better than freshman year though. Freshman year is hard to top with so much that happened good and bad. Drake Bell came to Henry clay but also there was a gun brought to clay as well and a huge amount of fights. Although Junior year was lackluster in comparison entertainmentwise it was fun in general. The teachers were best out of highschool so far and everyday was pretty fun. It wasn't like previous years where some weeks dragged on because nothing would happen. The only mistakes made were that I still procrastinated which I need to work on. I took a few risks socially which paid off well. Over the summer i'll try to earn as much money as possible as well as doing stuff with my friends to make it a memorable summer. I've started planning a lot of trips with my friends such as a spring break in tallahassee. I'm also going to visit a great deal of colleges and think and put a lot of time into thinking about college and my major.

blog post 23 - Jake Waits

Songs to listen to on a ride
Watch - Travis Scott, Lil Uzi Vert, Kanye West
Even this song was a promotion for traviss Astroworld album to me its better than any song on the album. While most of the song is flexing, kanye has a strong verse at the end.Mainly this song is good for rides just because of how catchy it is.
Dangerous - Schoolboy Q, Kid Cudi
On the Kid Cudi-assisted “Dangerous,” ScHoolboy Q raps over haunting chopped guitar chords about the perilous lifestyles that the rappers live. It samples cudi's previous song pursuit of happiness. I enjoy it for rides because of Cudi's great vocals.
A.D.H.D - Kendrick Lamar
In his song ADHD Kendrik Lamar raps about his encounters at a party with people of his “generation”suffering from the disease showing excessive drug abuse and promiscuous behavior. This song is perfect for rides because of the rhythm and the dark story being told.
Sky Might Fall - Kid Cudi
This song is about the stresses cudi faces and how he deals with them. It’s produced by Kanye, one of the greatest producers of all time and is a good song to play when you need to clear your mind.
Hands On The Wheel - Schoolboy Q, A$AP Rocky
This collaboration between Q and Rocky is a great song to listen to on rides. It's a song fueled by weed and alcohol but it's good to put you in a good mood.

blog post 22 - Jake Waits

The unusual circumstances about my life are that I grew up on a farm and continue to work on a farm currently. This unique  condition has led to me being a harder worker and learning skills that I would not have learned without the farm such as problem solving skills. Working with animals and on a farm there are few days where everything goes according to plan. Whether it be because of cattle escaping their field, a wagon wheel deflated, or a tractor that needs fixing, there is always something unexpected that comes up. This has taught me how to effectively problem solve and find the best solution on the fly. Another skill I learned from the farm I've learned is just responsibility in general. Like in life everything is time sensitive and you can’t skip duties just because you're tired or sick. These skills will make college a good fit for me because college is all about responsibility. A;los there are a multitude of problems that can come up as a young adult in college when dealing with classes and room and board.

blog post 21 - Jake Waits

One challenge I'd like to solve is picking the right college for myself. There are many variables that go into this decision whether I want to go in or out of state, how far away I'm willing to go, how expensive a college is, and is that college good for my major. Currently I feel I'd like to obtain a business or architecture degree but I still haven’t narrowed my college choices down yet. My main focus currently is the University of Kentucky due to the familiarity I have as well as it still being a large school. But I’d also like some space from home so a college such as the University of north carolina or the University of Southern California would be nice as well. Overall I just need to take a great deal of time researching colleges and degrees and talking to older young adults who have already gone through this to see what would work best for me.

blog post 20 - Jake Waits

How to fish as a beginner. 
First make sure you have all the suitable equipment. Mainly a rod, 10+ lb monofilament line, hooks, bobbers, sinkers, swivels/ swivel clips, and live bait most easily accessible are worms. First put the line on the reel and make sure you have at least 150 yards on. Then tie a palomar knot to the swivel and attach a sinker about 4-6 inches up from the hook. Next put the bobber on upwards about 24-30 inches up from the sinker depending on what fish you're going for. Once this is complete you can attach the hook to the swivel clip and thread a worm on making sure to get as much worm on the hook as possible so that it doesn't fall off during casting or gets bitten off by smaller fish. Once your rod is set 
up like so you can cast. To cast bring the rod behind your head(assuming you're using a baitcaster reel) Thyen lightly swing it forward and press the button when the rod is above your head. Once the baiut is cast simply turn on bite alert and watch the bobber. When the bobber goes below the surface grab the rod and give it a good tug to set the hook in then reel in your catch.

blog post 19 - Jake Waits

The most important advice I've ever been given was from Peter. And it was simple but it stuck with me. He told me one day “what's the point of life if you don’t try new things”. As simple and dumb as it may sound it stuck and helped me quite a bit. It's helped me to try new things such as food and activities. It's also helped me make more friends because I go out of my way more often than not to try new things socially and meet more people. If I never went out of my way to try new things then there's no point. I'm just living out a dull existence without surprise or growth. I would’ve had a lot worse of a middle school experience if I chose to take Spanish over Chinese. But I took Chinese and it changed middle school for the better.

blogpost 18 - Jake Waits

High school
  • register to vote
  • get a salaried job
  • go to prom
  • join a fraternity
  • be satisfied with my major
  • study abroad
  • Marry Happily
  • own a Porsche
  • own farmland
The most important part of my high school bucket list to me is go to prom because it's so associated with the high school experience. When you think about high school you always think of prom. Not only this but it's always discussed as one of most fun nights of peoples high school careers. The most integral part of my college list is studying abroad because its a rare opportunity and a great learning opportunity to be emerged completely in a foreign language. The most important part of my life bucket list is marking happily because obviously I don't want to be alone in life and I don't want to commit to someone who doesn't make me happy.

assignment 20- master chef - andrei zivkovic

How to make Oreo Cheesecake Cookies 
First you need to get the ingredients and those being
- 4 ounces of cream cheese ( softened )
- 8 tablespoons of salted butter ( at room temp) 
-3/4 cup of sugar
-1 cup of all purpose flour
-10 oreo cookies ( broken into pieces )

1. Get an electric mixer and a bowl, put the cream cheese, butter and sugar into the bowl and mix with the electric mixer until light and fluffy
2. Next still with the electric mixer mix in the flour beating in on low speed, a little bit of flour at a time.
3. After this fold in the crushed oreos and evenly distributed 
4. Get plastic rap and cover the bowl and put it in the fridge to chill for 45 min and also go ahead and preheat the oven to 350 degrees
5. Get the dough out of the fridge and grab a spoon and scoop out a large scoop of the dough place them on the baking sheet about 2-3 inches apart and then push spoon down into dough to get a good cookie shape and bake for 12-15 min.
6. Once the timer goes off take them out of the oven and let them cool then place them on to a plate and enjoy. 

Assignment 24- Penelope Pierson- Jr. to Senior bb

Honestly, I've had a great junior year. I remember a week before school started, I was already getting flooded with reminds from Mrs. Dewees, and it made me so scared for what's to come. I walked into her class, and already she was teaching. How scary. when I got home that day, I started crying to my mom because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it. Turns out, I was able to handle it and now, Calculus is one of my favorite classes and I have yet to have failed one of her tests. Now, that's not the only thing that has made me happy this year. I was able to get a lot closer to people who before were not exactly the closest of friends. For example, Andrei, Andrea, Jordan, Kelly, etc. All of these people I was aware of and definitely have had pleasant conversations with, but now I'm comfortable enough with them to really express myself and invade their personal space even if they don't want me to. But with senior year (woah I'm old) coming up quicker than I expected, I want to really pursue things I'm passionate about, like learning how to speak Japanese and finally having iconic vacations with my friends across country. But, even if my senior year isn't great, at least I'll be able to say that I at least one good year during my high school life.

Assignment 22- andrei zivkovic - international life

So one of my favorite things to do in life is travel. I have been lucky enough to travel a lot in my life but one place I haven't been able to go to is the place I was born in which is Russia. I think that this is one thing that makes me stand out in life. In college I want to go into the field of international business. traveling the world is something that I would love to be able to do more and being able to incorporate that into work. My dream school also is Boston College, they incorporate ethics into the field of Business and also overall the city of Boston is just a very international city and also a big college city. I think going to different places in the world gives me a good perspective on the world and my family is also very international. I have family in mainly Switzerland and Poland but I love being able to experience different places. 

asignment 21 - Robotic Grandpa

It was a nice summer day August 6th 2018 at 3:48pm and I was biking to work at the time I was lifeguarding at Signature Club. All of a sudden I found myself on the ground not being able to get up or stand. First thing I did was not call my mom but text work and my exact words were "Yo I'm gonna be a little late I can't really stand right now" eventually after laying on the ground for about 30ish min my mom came and then she took me to the ER where I was for the rest of the night and where I got news that was gonna make my life rough for the next couple weeks. So I found out that I cracked my femur straight through by the hip and was gonna get surgery and have 4 screws in my leg. The main reason that this was a setback for me was getting used to what my life was gonna be like and also keeping my mindset in a happy place. I had to adjust my ways of life to this injury and honestly the hardest thing was showering. The first time I tried to get into the shower I fell on my leg and broke a handle out of the wall. There were also tiny daily things that I had to adjust when it came to life on crutches. The main thing though was accepting that I wasn't able to do much when it came to sports and friends. It was the same thing every day, school then went home and repeated which after a while became very boring. It was really hard to stay positive throughout the whole process which I would say was the biggest challenge. Throughout the next couple years there is always a chance that the blood supply in my leg can stop or something medically concerning can happen and that's also frightening. So whenever I feel my leg start to hurt or something I get scared that something bad is going to occur. I have yet to set off metal detectors at the airport though so I am waiting on that experience. Overall though I learned to slow life down and also by the end I could zoom around the halls on my crutches.  

Assignment 22 - Justin Zhu

My entire life I've rarely found many other Chinese kids and people in my daily life. On top of being naturally gifted at math and science I've experienced every kind of stereotypical or racist Chinese joke in the book. "You have glasses because you can't see since your Asian." "He's Asian of course he's good at math." "I bet you get good grades in order to become a doctor." Over time I've become practically numb to these kinds of jokes. I don't especially care or react when someone references my race in a joke. Personally, I feel like a reaction similar to mine is better for getting rid of insensitive jokes because most people who make racial jokes feed on the reaction. I've found the less I react the less I have to put up with the ignorance in insensitivity of other people. This kind of reaction allows me to situate myself in new situations where I meet more people who don't realize they can get a rise out of me.

Assignment 21 - Justin Zhu

One large obstacle I've faced is differing between my family's traditional Chinese values and more modern American values. Personally I've grown up to become what I consider a relatively normal American kid. I enjoy my freedom, talking to my friends and playing games and sports. While my parents don't mind what I do socially, its over academics where my values and their's clash. My parents always want me to be the top of my class and have amazing test scores. Even my high ACT score, my dad wasn't satisfied at all because it wasn't "perfect." On the other hand, I want to be more relaxed. I don't mind being an average student without straight A's so I don't actively study or practice academic skills at home. I'd much rather play games with my other friends than stay in the kitchen going over Spanish. It's over this conflict of personal values over academics that I've learned to split my time more evenly, playing games primarily on the weekend while spending most of the weekday studying or working on assignments and finding extra time in class to review for an upcoming test or quiz.

Assignment 20 - Justin Zhu

How to install Pokemon Roms and Rom hacks on your computer
1. Install an emulator dependent on what game you want. If you want to play a game from generations IV to V, then a NDS emulator is necessary (DeSmuMe). If you want to play a game from generation III or earlier then a game boy emulator is necessary (VBA).
2. Install an unzipper, I prefer the unzipper WinRAR but 7zip also works. After a month of using WinRAR, there will be a small popup every time you use the program, but you don't actually need to pay anything. The creators intended for the program to be free but use the popup so large companies are forced to pay them. Screw corporations right?
3. Find the rom of the game you want to play. Any google search will work, but make sure not to misclick and download any malicious files. Roms will never download as a program but just as files openable via WinRAR or 7zip. The rom itself should be inside and should be a .gba or .nds file.
5. Make a folder where you want to play your games and place your emulator and the rom you want to play inside.
6. Just drag the .gba/.nds file over its respsective emulator and release. I window should pop up and now your pokemon game is playable!

Juliann Hyatt #20 how to install a minecraft mod

How to install a minecraft mod

  1. Decide which version of minecraft you wish to play with mods (I recommend 1.7.10, 1.10.2, or 1.12.2 for the most variety)
  2. Search for “minecraft forge [version]”
  3. The link should be curse forge or something like that
  4. There will be two options, download latest or recommended. While they recommend the recommended, in most cases you want the latest as certain mods only work with newer versions of forge
  5. Click the download, do NOT click the download in the center of the page, That’s a virus. Wait for the countdown and in the top right corner there will be a button to continue to download. Click that one
  6.  Run the file once it downloads. 
  7. Click install client and make sure that the files are installing under your user
  8. Go to file explorer and type %appdata% in the search bar
  9. Click the . minecraft folder
  10. Create a new folder named “mods”
  11. Go online and find a mod that you want
  12. Download it in the correct minecraft version. It will say that the file is harmful, you have to keep the file anyway. 
  13. Move that file from the downloads to the mods folder
  14. Go into your minecraft launcher and load the vanilla version of minecraft 
  15. Close it out once it loads
  16. Go to installations and create new
  17. Change the version and scroll through until you see the forge version, it should be at the bottom. 
  18. Play that installation and enjoy

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Assignment 22- Jasir Rahman- Change

The world is broken.  I am incapable of advocating for the status quo when it is so inherently flawed.  I think this mindset developed in its fullest form when I moved schools.

Yes, I went to a rich, white, private school.  I wasn't a big fan.  Maybe it's because people who looked like me were few and far between.  However, I attribute a lot of my disdain for said school within the context of its inner workings.  The drama caused by the aristocracy that controlled those at the top was quite interesting to watch, entertaining even at times.  Horse people and the "architects of Lexington" reigned supreme, with their vast bank accounts bankrolling the school.  Then, those with connections to the institution itself were next up on the totem pole, closely followed by other white people who could afford tuition. Then finally, at the bottom resided those few people of color.  I don't know how dynamics evolve in high school, although my sister's experience found that the trend continues.  Ultimately, I feel as though this class system within the upper echelons of Lexington leads to a system where the whims of people at the top were prioritized over those who aimed to enrich the academic experience of students.  The elementary school academic team lost priority to other elementary school track, despite the fact that they can coexist quite easily, all because one parent within the administration feared of losing children to the academic team.  A football team was formed recently at this school because one of the horse people wanted their son to play.  Despite the fact that they just completed 2 new installations to the school and may risk bankruptcy, the project ensued.  Grade inflation, a lack of AP tests, and a general lack of educational emphasis in lieu of athletics and other exploits.  All under the guise of it being a more than an adequate educational institution in it of itself.  The tuition that rivals that of many collegiate institutions, may be worth it if consistent results from just attending said institution were sufficient in it of itself, but that's not the case.  Many who go to this institution on top of their curriculum (which requires an hour-long study hall might I add) still must shell out thousands of dollars a year to pay for standardized test tutoring.  And even after all that, many end up just going to UK anyway-which is fine if that's your choice and I respect that- but why in God's name would you pay for a high school that costs double that of in-state tuition at UK, when your child could just as easily go to a public school and do similarly academically?  Schools are meant for learning and the wasted resources that go towards fruitless exploits to appease donors disgusts me.

After I left and could reflect and see what was happening at that institution clearly, I couldn't help but look at our government and see the exact same thing.  Consolidated wealth leads to corrupting influences over the most important institutions in the United States.  Fossil fuel and oil companies, for example, hold undue influence over the government through dirty money and lobbying, leading to subsidies and tax cuts that amount to rewards for destroying the planet.  Thusly, my experience with aristocracy and corruption leaves me a skeptic of business as usual.  I am an advocate for structural change that enables equality for all who want a say, so that marginalized groups that have been left behind for decades may finally have some semblance of influence over issues that affect their lives.  There is always a beneficiary to the current system, and more often than not its not the people the system is aiming to help, but those who profiteer off of the flaws and corruption within.  I'd prefer the former scenario.

Assignment 21- Jasir Rahman- Yeah... It's About Debate

I am struggling to find essay topics that aren't cliches. That is a problem. Don't worry, rest assured when college applications and crunch time rolls around, I will have a better story of challenge.

My freshman year debate career was abysmal. I don't know what happened to be honest. All I remember was frustration. My first debate round ever, the other team was absolutely absurd. The topic regarded anti-missile defense systems, and our opponents were running an argument about how it causes cancer. I knew it was absurd. But once I got up for my summary speech, I froze. I stuttered my way through a most likely incoherent speech for the judge in which I failed to use normal logic. All the while their beady-eyed coach vehemently nodded and mouthed points to our opponents. I was determined to show that coach what for, but alas I wasn't there yet. We went 0-3, and the losses kept coming. The only successful run was a 2nd place finish out of 4 teams in our division. I couldn't even be proud.

Then, instead of the novice division that I had competed in all season, I competed in Varsity with one of our experienced Juniors (he would go on to win State the next season). After my nerves of going against upperclassmen subsided I went on to gain confidence. Every round I competed in was better than the last. Ultimately, we didn't break onto the playoff rounds, but I had learned so much. Unfortunately, my enlightenment came too late. My poor performance relegated me as an alternate for our State Debate run. I would have to wait until next year to prove myself. I was determined to not have a repeat of the previous year, so that summer I studied debate from online resources, watching high-level rounds and understanding the technical aspects. Then, a few months later my time came to prove myself.

Our first tournament of the year was a national tournament hosted at UK. Schools from all over the country had come to debate, almost all with much larger and more sophisticated teams, but I wanted to set the tone for the year. The maintenance of my newfound confidence was important but nowhere near as important as my methodical study of the nuances of public forum, as we were going against teams from more technical circuits. In prelims, we went 4-2 and broke to out rounds. We ultimately made it to semifinals of a national tournament. However, I wasn't fully convinced that I had come that far. We had months to prepare for this topic, and it was in the JV division, not even Varsity. At our next tournament in semifinals, we went against a team from the same school of my first ever round. The coach was there. Without hesitation, I asked him to be somewhere the judge could see him, as to prevent cheating. His smirk that crept up his mouth when he saw that timid kid from a year ago curled down into a scowl. The round commenced, again an absurd argument was presented from our opponents, but this time instead of freezing without response, I maintained composure and proceeded to pick apart their baseless claims one by one until the judge had no choice but to vote against our opponents. I had finally done it.

Since then I've done pretty well for myself in Varsity PF, all because of a choice. Instead of giving up and saying this might not be for me, I stuck with debate. I'm not saying never give up on something, however. Even when I lost round after round, I enjoyed debate. However, nothing great comes without hard work and perseverance. If you love something and want to excel at it, persevere and put in the work, and you'll see results.

Assignment 25- Sarah Clark -another one of my incoherent and rambling blog posts :)

Ok so I’ve recently been just kind of fueling a random collection of memories and likes/dislikes into blog posts and I feel like they can be really incoherent and may or may not answer the question entirely but I also feel like it's pretty accurate as to how I feel and my general state of mind. So here is another collection of thoughts that hopefully somewhat describes WHO Sarah Clark is. I already regret writing that last bit in the 3rd person but no time to waste!

I like biking in circles down my newly paved and rarely travelled neighborhood road. I like looking at how perfect the houses seem, and I like that they all look the same from when I was a kid. I like leaving my windows all the way rolled down even if the wind is so strong I have tears in my eyes and it's so loud I can’t hear my music. I like waking up when the sun has already risen, and I like seeing your name on my phone screen when I turn off my alarm. I like reading biographies of people born in Kentucky and then visiting the places they worked at for a year, or spent time at as a teenager. I like smiles coated with sugar and words filled with sincerity. I like phone calls at night not because I like talking to you so much, but because I like it when it's silent, and I know we’re both sitting there and experiencing the same silence and it’s not awkward but it's like there’s this space that we’re both in that is somehow beyond this world. I like to write with parallel sentence structure because it allows all of my thoughts to pour out at once. I like hitting forehands and I like hitting backhands. I like winning. I like beating people who cheat at tennis and I like shaking people’s hands when they’re mad at me and don’t want to. I like getting compliments even if I roll my eyes and tell you to shut up and stop flattering me. 
I like looking at old pictures and listening to old songs and reading old texts because it makes me miss you more. I like standardized tests because I like looking at my completed bubble sheet. I like being liked too much and I like getting good grades too much and I like gossiping and other shallow things too much. But I like the sound of your voice when you’re tired, and I like lying behind my elementary school and staring at the sky and wondering if this, if 7 continents and 4 oceans and one sky, if that’s all there is. Because it doesn’t seem like much.  But I like this world, and I like my life, and I like the little things that make it my life. When things get tough, I like lying on the ground and watching the clouds move above me and feeling the Earth spin beneath me. When things get tough, I like going into our attic because it's surprisingly empty and eerily quiet and it reminds me of the silence we used to have on our phone calls and it feels like a space apart from this world. When things get tough, I like to close my eyes in that attic and listen to the silence and think about absolutely nothing. 

Assignment 23- Hannah Whaley- badass playlist(and for rainy days)

You’d think my “rainy day” playlist would be relaxing and perfect for whatever book I’m snuggling up to read. In some ways, it is made to be cohesive with the book I’m reading. I like to read fiction with action to it, which is why I often find myself picking up fantasy or science fiction. When I have this kind of music while reading about epic fights between the hero and villain, it is like background music in a movie. Not necessary, but good for amplifying the scene. This playlist is MAINLY used for any time I’m feeling confident and, for lack of a better word, like a badass. Use it to workout or read or work or drive - any time you’re feeling yourself. These songs aren’t for everyone. Enjoy!

Song 1: “I Will Not Bow” by Breaking Benjamin
This song introduces a strong rock playlist perfectly. It is not too hard to listen to, so it is a good introduction. This song helps you feel like other people’s opinions don’t matter - which they shouldn’t. It’s good for putting you in the mood for the rest of the playlist. “I will shut the world away” is one of the lyrics, and it helps prepare you for the other songs.
Song 2: “Warp2” by Ghostboi
This song adds a slight rap vibe to the playlist, but the bass is incredible. The words are barely understandable, and the beat is the main focus of the song. This song is a little bit creepy, but it makes you feel like you’re the one other people should be afraid of. It also is great for when you’re feeling morally ambiguous. I put this song second because you need something before it to warm you up to a song that is so...different.
Song 3: “Ready to Go” by Republica
After two harder songs, this song is a bit more calming. Like any good playlist, it brings you back down after two faster-paced songs. But the pace is still decently fast - so it doesn’t extinguish the rock  mood you’ve put yourself in. This song quite literally makes you feel “ready to go.”
Song 4: “I Hate Everything About You” by Three Days Grace
Now we’ve had a break, it’s time to get back into the more angsty, harsh music in this playlist. This song is perfect for realizing you’re the only person who matters. That you care about yourself most - as you should. When listening to this song, try to imagine somebody you wish you hated but can’t. It makes it more fun because the line between love and hate is terribly thin sometimes.
Song 5: “Anthem for the Underdog” by 12 Stones
This song is one of my favorites on this playlist. It promotes inner-strength and fighting back. I always feel powerful when listening to it. It’s fifth in the playlist because by now, the listener has caught the vibe of the playlist and can enjoy this song the way it should be enjoyed.
Song 6: “Coming Undone” by Korn
I LOVE this song. The best ones have to come later in the playlist - finish strong! This song also makes you feel on top of the world. It makes you want to crank up the volume then drop and do ten. If you need a pick me up in heart rate this song does the job.
Song 7: “When I’m Gone” by Three Doors Down
After two harder songs, this song is another more relaxing addition to the playlist for the first 30 seconds. Then it picks back up a little, but is less angsty. It’s just nice to listen to.
Song 8: “Wrong Track” by Broken Hands
This song is the penultimate because it’s another good rock song but not the best. It’s not too hard but it’s still enough to blow your brains out. It’s a good song for before you you want to get something done.
Song 9: “Wasteland” by 10 Years
To finish off the playlist, here’s a song that will leave you with a resonating feeling of badassery and inner strength. The end of this  song is why it’s last. The ending is fantastic - it picks up a lot and end with a bang like any hard hitting playlist should.

Just give this playlist a chance.
Not suggested for people who struggle with mental health because it really gets you feeling some type of way. For me that’s powerful but for others maybe not so much.

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm

May 10 is the last day to make up blogs 23-25

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Assignment 24- Sarah Clark -junior year in sounds, sights, and feelings

Junior year. Where to begin.
I remember the sound of the Ellis knocking on my car window before school so we could do our Calculus homework. I remember the smell of my backpack after I spilt coffee in it one dark November morning. I remember the sun coming through my bedroom window on Saturdays, and I remember hiking two weeks ago and only thinking about the leaves on the ground, the dirt on the path, and the rocks I stepped over. I remember feeling sad and then listening to sad music to make it worse. I remember the moment I won the last point of my finals match in a tennis tournament, and how bittersweet it felt to know I could never go back to that moment. I remember the sound of my brother on the phone, and I remember how it felt to hear about his new life. I remember toasting frozen waffles in the morning, and I remember boiling ramen noodles at night. I remember driving myself home from tennis, and I remember not wanting the solitude to end, so I remember pulling out of my driveway and driving past my house, then past my neighborhood, until I was past Lexington. I remember the drama. I remember ignoring someone for weeks and then receiving a text from them and forgetting all about it. I remember writing paragraphs, deleting it all, and continuing to play the charade. I remember phone calls at night that made me feel stupid by morning, and I remember lying in bed listening to the same song over and over again. I remember the sound of birds in the morning reminding me it's springtime. I remember being so consumed by a bad mood that if anyone talked to me I was sure to yell at them. But I remember more good moods, where everything I said or heard seemed hilarious. I remember the oven beeping after Ellis and I made cupcakes, and I remember the sun streaming through the windows when discussion turned to yelling in Mr. Logsdon’s 1st period. I remember my friends telling me to let go of these little things, and not every argument has to be the hill I die on. I remember that the same blue Chevy drives in front of me on the way home from school, and I remember the sound of the rain on my windshield distracting me from the green light in front of me. I remember junior year, but I remember how it made me feel more. 

#24: I Should've Listened to Them: Kelly Landry

     Junior year. I can't accurately describe how much harder it was than I thought it would be. This difficulty isn't rooted in anything specific, just a mild prolonged existential crisis. Everyone always said "junior year is definitely the worst" and I completely disregarded it thinking "I haven't been involved in really any cliche high school drama, I'm probably the most confident in myself I've been in years, and I still have one more year, surely it won't be that much worse." But there was/is more than that. This school year has been my busiest ever, I've become a student intern at my church, I became highly involved in several different things- I'm on the leadership team of Henry Clay's FCA, I'm a leader of the HC UNICEF club, and I'm on the HC lacrosse team. I'm the kind of person that when I truly care about something I'm all in, I will work for hours on plans and details and improvement. Especially during second semester (before corona cancelled life) I had tasks and responsibilities literally every single day of the week, I was starting to get burnt out. I still loved everything I was doing but as an introvert I wasn't "recharging" enough. Not only was I incredibly busy but I am dealing with more personal matters, my best friend (a super cheesy term but I can't think of a better way to word that concept) is currently a senior in high school and goes to a different school so I don't get to see her nearly as much as we want. Because she's graduating all-too-soon I wanted to really make the most of the rest of the time we're living in the same state and city. However our busy schedules and now quarantine have essentially taken away a lot of our remaining time.
     Despite these struggles there have also been an abundance of great things about junior year. I literally love driving myself to school because it gives me a chance to just think and listen to music. I have gotten way closer with a lot of people I didn't think I would be close with. My busy schedule and now even quarantine have given me a lot of opportunities such as developing friendships in different spheres of my life, exploring hobbies/interests, and doing things I've put off for a while.
     It's been both harsh and incredible. I think I'm ready for senior year. I'm dedicating senior year to living life to the fullest extent of joy I can.

#21: Challenging the Perception of Identity: Kelly Landry

(Looking back on what I've written this feels almost more like a sophisticated journal entry so please disregard how unfocused this is.)
Identity- a challenge every single person faces at some point in their lives. As community, knowledge and security-craving individuals, our desire to definitively define who we and others are is extensive. I think it's the root of why we have concepts such as "teenage angst" and a "midlife crisis." The desire to label ourselves and others in order to understand and cope with life is ingrained in us. There is always some level of existential turbulence within everyone. According to Erik Erikson (a great name by the way) in his theory on psychosocial development there are eight stages of such development. All of the stages involve the discovery of identity. In stage 2 (autonomy vs doubt) toddlers try to learn how to independently take action or face doubting their own abilities (eating, walking, etc.), in stage 5 (identity vs confusion) adolescents work to refine their sense of self by testing and integrating different roles (occupation, politics, religion, etc.), and in stages 6-8 adults struggle with finding fulfillment and a sense of community and accomplishment. Finding our identity is a struggle we all face literally from birth, so why haven't we found a solution? Isn't there something that will fulfill this desire? I don't think it's as simple as that. Change is the really the only constant in  everyone's lives, so to have a definition that fits every aspect of our lives is impossible.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Assignment 20- Jasir Rahman- How to do Pikachu's nair loops

1.  Acquire a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
2.  Insert the cartridge into the Switch.
3.  Go into Games and More, then within that menu select Training mode.
4.  Select any stage, preferably the Training stage.
5. Select Pikachu (preferably with the green bandana, purely aesthetic but it's the coolest skin) as your character and any random character (preferably a large character so it is easy to combo) as an opponent.  Press start.
5.  Now for the combo itself.  Depending on your controller setup it will be different.  I personally have a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, don't use tilt stick, press both the X and Y buttons at the same time to short-hop, press A for aerials, have grab configured to my shoulder buttons, and have tap jump disabled.  Grab your opponent.
6.  Flick down on your left stick.
7.  Press X and Y at the same time (or alternatively press x really fast, a lot more difficult) to short-hop.
8.  Wait until you are at the peak of Pikachu's short-hop and then press A without holding the stick in any direction to perform a neutral aerial attack (also known as nair).  You will know you are doing it right if Pikachu's body is engulfed in lightning.
9.  Let the nair hit the opponent 2 times, and then on the third, it flick your left control stick down in order to make Pikachu fast fall.  This should make the opponent fall out of hit stun (they won't take more damage as they fall) and drag them down to the floor with you.
10.  Hold the left stick upwards and press A in order to perform an up-tilt.  It should flick up the opponent with Pikachu's tail.
11.  Repeat steps 9 and 10.  You may have to react to the way your opponent moves as you hit them and jump slightly to the right or left depending on their directional influence (also known as DI, if your opponent holds a certain direction on their left stick it influences the direction in which they travel, helps to fall out of combos such as this).  This combo is quite technically advanced but will net you upwards of 80% damage if done correctly.  It only works at lower percents (0-20%) for light characters, but for heavies can work at later percents (20-40%).

Assignment 19- Jasir Rahman- No Distractions

The YouTube channel RwnlPwnl often takes desi (Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi) culture to the extreme for the sake of satire and parody.  A few months before learning to drive myself, I stumbled across a video from them called "Driving with Desi Dads."  It was hilarious.  I can't get into the cultural nuances here, as they would act as a tangent to the point of the blog post, but if you're a desi you know what I'm talking about if you watch the video.  Ultimately, the father teaching his son to drive (in the immigrant car of choice, an Accord) berates his son in a quite fobby (slang for Fresh Off the Boat -y) manner to turn all "earbud, radio, phone, telephone, off" because "he is coach."  I never thought my dad would say that to me when I learned to drive.  But he did.  I should've seen it coming. 

My whole life he has been a proponent of being completely undistracted whilst performing tasks, specifically for others.  I am part of a younger generation of multitaskers- hell I am listening to music right now while typing this out.  However, I am writing this blog post primarily for myself.  It's my grade and it is kind of therapeutic to rant about stuff on blogger.  The distinction in my quality of attention and work ethic comes when I am called upon by others to perform.  My father's culture is much less individualistic than that of the United States and perhaps that is why such an emphasis is put on serving others.  When other people are dependant on my actions in order to fulfill their needs of happiness, success, or whatever other roles I must fulfill, I feel an obligation to perform for them in order to secure their own success, even if it means compromising my own desires.  I have been taught to not be selfish in group situations almost implicitly.  In the car, I am responsible for my passengers and their safety.  Ultimately now that I have my intermediate, my decision to listen to music in the car is to reduce stress and thus keep composed on the road.  However, since it makes my parents feel better, I opt to turn it off with them in the car- for their sake, not mine.

Assignment 18- Jasir Rahman- Buckets

1. A prerequisite to my college bucket list is that which I do in high school.  My parents say I need to distinguish myself from other applicants in order to have a shot at most schools.  The book How to Be a High School Superstar corroborates such sentiments.  However, the book's approach is to engage in exploration in those areas in which one is interested in order to garner interestingness and thus admissions success, as AOs become invested in your journey of intellectual vitality.  I have been attempting to create a functional website for a business venture that I am interested in pursuing.  To get this venture up and running before admissions season in a few months is imperative, but I feel as though I am much too late.  I am scared.  I pray that my hard work pays off and I am able to get this up and running and have something, whether it is the website or not, that can impress colleges.

2.  Assuming I get into schools and attend college, I hope that I have the opportunity to take courses in my father's native tongue or perhaps Arabic, both of which hold a significant cultural value that I feel has been lost on me due to the duality of my existence.

3.  I would prefer personal growth over all other materialistic pursuits that one may list off as something to attain in a bucket list.  I should stop worrying all the time.  Keep my mouth shut.  Don't be so arrogant.  Fix other personal flaws that I hide in my subconscious out of the dread of self-confrontation and reform.  I want to be a better person.  That is all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

#23: The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist- Kelly Landry

The perfect playlist for a chill summertime road trip would be (in no particular order because I always use shuffle when I listen to music):

  • "Crash My Car" by COIN is ironically a very good song for a road trip playlist, it epitomizes the adolescent and young-adult experiences of both jubilation and slumps with chill instrumental features and lyrics, almost as if saying "it is what it is so live your life."
  • "comethru" by Jeremy Zucker is just generally a good song with memorable lyrics and simplistic vocals and instrumental parts.
  • "Talk Too Much" by COIN because it also epitomizes experiences and feelings from a youthful perspective, it's upbeat and something you can feel the beat of.
  • "Houston Dubai" by Vampire Weekend because it's upbeat with charming instrumental elements and has a theme of travel, however when you actually listen it's about homesickness and how travel is exhilarating but eventually it takes its toll.
  • "Keep It Gold" by Surfaces because it's upbeat but still pretty chill and embodies casual adventure/exploration.
I couldn't come up with just one perfect song for several other artists so other good artists include: Hippo Campus, Khalid, and Lauv.

#22: Abounding in Antitheses- Kelly Landry

My personal qualities and personality are abounding in antitheses. I consider myself a rather friendly, open-minded, and malleable person; a people-pleaser who is fairly easygoing. I am also exceedingly indecisive and contemplative. However I am passionate, relatively aware of my goals, and tend to be a perfectionist. I think these relatively contradicting attributes are significantly influenced by my core personality traits (amiable, adaptable, enthusiastic, ambitious, and image-focused) and my circumstances (both of my parents are logic-focused, driven, perfectionist, etc.). I have grown up with the desire to be successful but still well-liked (if you can't tell I'm a type 3) and have been encouraged to do the best I possibly can. I'm not exactly sure how to relate this back to a specific college being a particularly good fit, but instead I think it says more about how it doesn't really matter what college I end up attending because my personal qualities will almost guarantee that I achieve success in both my personal life and career.