Friday, November 15, 2019

Assignment 11- Hannah Whaley- Justin Zhu (my best friend)

How would I describe my seat partner? Rambunctious, noisy, annoying, rowdy. Clearly, I sit next to Justin Zhu. Although at first he may simply seem like a pest, Justin is one of my most caring friends. Nobody else will bring me Asian pears and candy every morning. Nobody else will review my work at the drop of a hat.
 Anyways, let’s get to talking about Justin’s interests. Considering that I’ve sat next to him for six years now (thank you seating charts), I know him pretty well. Justin is a fan of anime and always gives me good suggestions. He really likes the show Neverland and always tells me to watch it. Justin also adores ultimate frisbee and the restaurant Pho BC. Preferably on the same day.
If you need honesty, Justin’s the guy to go to. He’ll tell you when your belly’s out. No hesitation.
If Justin were a color, it’d be a very vivid yellow. Not because he’s of his Asian descent! It’s because, although some may find that color obnoxious, many people love it for its warm and kind association. I’m one of the people that loves yellow!
In five years, I see Justin still in college so let’s skip to ten. In ten years, at the age of 26, I see Justin as a successful salesman. He holds a certain social skill and charisma, and any job with lots of face-to-face interaction is where I feel like he’ll flourish.
Lastly, if Justin were an animal, he’d be a blue-footed booby. Just kidding! I just really wanted to choose a random amusing animal because it made me laugh. Anyways, love you Justin and I wouldn’t want anybody else in that seat.

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