Monday, November 25, 2019

Sarah Clark -Assignment 14- Thanksgiving ALONE

I’m not as excited about Thanksgiving this year. I haven’t seen my brother in 5 and a half months, and he’s not coming home until December 20th. Most of my other cousins aren’t coming for Thanksgiving, either, as they’re also in college. So it looks like I’ll be stuck with the older parts of my family, and won’t have anyone to laugh with when they inevitably get into politics. I won’t have anyone to sneak away and leave early with, and I won’t have anyone to shift the attention away from me, anyone to shoulder questions about grades, future college plans, and the thousand other things that I haven’t given any thought to. 
But I do love stuffing, and I’ll definitely appreciate the 5 day weekend. I guess my favorite memory of Thanksgiving was a few years ago, when we went to Louisville to stay with our family. My mom is the youngest of 10, so I have a lot of cousins, and I’m one of the youngest. Anyway, people we didn’t know kept on ringing the doorbell, thinking their Thanksgiving party was at our house. It turned out the people a few doors down had put the wrong address on their invitations. As the adults were busy eating and arguing, my cousins and I left to go down the street. One of us would go and ring the doorbell, pretending to be invited to the neighbor’s party. Every time one of us got turned away, we sent another kid up to pretend they were invited, or somehow related to the family. At the time, I thought it was hilarious, but looking back, I guess it was a little rude. Anyway, hopefully Thanksgiving this year will be just as fun, but I kinda doubt it.

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