Thursday, November 14, 2019

Assignment 12: Penelope Pierson- Dear Roommate

I like to sell myself as the lighthearted one. I love making people laugh and smile. I wake up everyday without coffee or caffeine, and by the time I arrive to school, I need to be high energy to hopefully bring up the mood of others by me. Yet, when I get home, I crash and would rather not speak to anyone so I can recharge for the next day. Though sometimes, just sometimes, I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I get mad. When I get mad, I nitpick. I will find the smallest thing wrong with someone and completely blow it out of proportion. So sorry if you've been on that receiving end. But, usually, on good days, I will hopefully make you smile. I will make you laugh. I'd so rather make myself seem dumb, stupid, and do ridiculous things than to just let someone I talk to have a bad day.

I also love Ellen. Ellen has the personality where when people see her, they smile. I would love to radiate that energy, being confident but also staying humble. It's admirable, so, roommate, I hope you can bare my overbearing personality and my bad days and that you will find the joy that being my roommate brings.

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