Friday, November 15, 2019

Assignment 9 Juliann H war?

To put it objectively, the necessity of war is highly subject to what side you are on. Some may say that, as a world superpower, it’s our job to correct human rights violations and the like, but where does the line really fall between moderating other countries and imperialism? Is it really in our jurisdiction to decide what other countries can and cannot do? Who’s to say that Britain couldn’t declare war on us due to our treatment of gay people? Americans would disagree with the necessity, but Britain would see it as necessary. The killing of innocent people is never okay. That outright bans nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. But when other bad actors are killing their own people, is it okay to kill them? Does Hammurabi's code still apply in this age of Snapchat and UberEats? Is it justifiable for a student to stab a school shooter? I think, because this class was born after 9/11, our view of war is highly blurred as we are missing that impact. But others may say that it’s more clear because there’s less bias. Who knows.

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