Saturday, October 26, 2019

Assignment 1 - Justin Zhu

So for a brief introduction, I'm Justin Zhu. I procrastinate and am a relatively lazy person. Of course like anyone else I want straight As but more than anything I just want to perform well on my AP tests so I can save money and graduate faster. No idea what I want to be, but I'll take my time to decide on something that I can enjoy. I would consider myself a nerd, I enjoy playing games online and have met a bunch of people through the internet I play with and talk to on a semi-regular basis. I also am a complete weeb, addicted to manga and anime to the point I went to a convention over the summer in LA. To be fair, I was invited by my friend from Columbus if that makes me any less of a nerd, but I still loved it. I enjoy being a part of a variety of clubs and after school activities such as the Ultimate Frisbee Club and playing lacrosse in the spring. I'm an active of the Psychology club and Debate team, but I like some of those clubs more than others. 
Here's a video of this streamer named xqc that I find extremely entertaining

And if I had to choose a favorite website, I think has to be it.

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