Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment 2 - Delaney Staley - I Don't Read

The only book I have read in the past year is the one you assigned to us, "The Teenage Brain." I, of course believe that reading is very beneficial to young minds but I don't have the patience to sit down and read a book for fun. I would much rather watch a movie or tv show. I used to love reading but as I have grown older, I simply do not have enough time to sit and read a book as most of my time is consumed by homework, extracurriculars, and Netflix."The Teenage Brain" focuses on raising adolescents and the difficulties that come with that. I find that it is interesting to read this as I, in some ways, mirror that of the behaviors described in the book of an impulsive teenager.  I guess the fact that I don't read can come off as lazy but in my mind I can connect better with tv shows and movies as I like to see what is going on rather than imagine it.

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