Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment 8- Sarah Clark- writing territories

Fears: dying, losing people I love, losing in general
Annoyances: loud people, people who copy their personalities from the internet/their friends, people who don’t know how to take a hint
Accomplishments: going undefeated all of high school tennis season, winning state in the summer league in 2018, getting 5s on my AP exams last year Confusions: how some people can be so not self-aware, why guys who are in lower math classes than you talk to you like you’re stupid
Sorrows: bullying a girl 2 years ago
Dreams: go to college and play tennis, have a positive impact on the people I know
Idiosyncrasies: I like history a lot
Risks: spent 3 weeks (my longest time away from home) in France (even though I was nowhere near fluent and had never been out of the US) with a family I hadn’t met
Beloved Possessions: Then: Legos, Now: tennis racket
Problems: being too competitive, being unnecessarily rude when I’m having a bad day, being insensitive. 
My biggest pet peeve is being talked down to. This is a pretty fresh wound, because I actually experienced it today. In Physics, we were all working in groups on whiteboards, and I was solving the problem using some basic Pre-Calculus skills. Then, a boy from my group (who shall remain nameless) all of a sudden started asking what I was doing, and why I would possibly do it. He began talking to me like I was a toddler badly in need of reprimanding, acting extremely condescending, and explaining to me the supposedly right way to solve the problem. Finally, I asked him what math class he was in, and when he replied with Pre-Calculus, I reminded him that I was in Calculus. This obviously did little to change his mind, and he still thought I was wrong (later when Mrs. Gill checked our work it turned out I was right. Surprise, surprise). 
This may all sound petty, but it's not the first time I’ve experienced this type of patronizing. Although today was particularly worse than others, one similarity stands out: every time I’ve been talked down to, it’s been from a guy. And honestly, guys like that do not deserve respect and will never get any if that’s the way they treat others.

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