Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assignment 10- Davis Mattingly- Spiders, how creative

I know, I know, you've heard it all before. Spiders are scary, there's something about their legs, I hate seeing them on the ceiling, looking away, and looking back to see they're nowhere in sight, etc etc. But, it's also not a cut and dry fear of all things 8-legged; I find some species of spiders quite cute, in fact, such as the tiny colorful jumping spiders I'll occasionally see while out on a walk during the summer or spring. I also find the bigger spiders, like Tarantulas, quite cool. I wouldn't have one as a pet, but if a friend of mine did, I would think it was cool. My main issue comes from the relatively smaller, darker-colored spiders, who it's impossible to tell whether or not they're venomous, and they can slip away into a crack in the wall on a moment's notice. Those are the one's I'm always vigilant against, as I never know whether I'll slip my foot into a shoe, only for one to set up its nest in there, bite my foot and slip away, only for it to turn out to be a black widow or brown recluse. With tarantulas, I know they aren't venomous, and they're too big to hide in too many places. With tiny spiders, I know they have little chance of making a bite any worse than a mosquito would, but basically every other spider could be either a mundane, harmless house spider, or a brown recluse ready to send me to the hospital on a moment's notice. Perhaps its not spiders themselves that scare me- perhaps I'm afraid of the unknown.

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