Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment 10 - i did not enjoy dwelling upon this topic for as long as i had to to write the essay - Cat Lucier

I am not going to tell you all what is my worst fear, because y'all don't need that information.

But I will tell you something that does scare me, and has become much more pertinent in the past few months. I am afraid that I'll be driving the family to church, or to a performance, or some other such event, just trying to get more driving experience before taking the test for my intermediate, and I'll lose focus for just long enough to veer out of my lane a bit, or pull out into traffic at the wrong time, and we get hit by another car going 50 or 60 mph and everyone in my family is dead or will never be the same, and it is all my fault. That is a huge fear of mine. In fact, I think I'll go make some tea now because thinking about this is making me feel quite anxious.

1 comment:

  1. ok. um. not excited about taking my kid through driving practice. ugh.


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