Sunday, November 10, 2019

Assignment 11- Davis Mattingly- Cat wrote about me first

I sit next to Daniel, who I've vaguely known since I sat next to him for about a month in AP Government in freshman year, and Catherine Lucier, who I've known since 7th grade, as I'm sure you've already seen in her post, where she also talked about me. She mentioned how we "dated" in the summer after 7th grade, where we attempted to hold hands once but I felt awkward and pulled away, before realizing I was, in fact, as Catherine described in her post, "Rather gay." Even before our "relationship", the two of us were pretty close friends, such as when we went to the birthday of a mutual friend at the time (Who, looking back, neither of us are exactly fond of), and our antisocial middle school selves decided to (Ironically) hide in a closet, and eat uncooked Ramen Noodles while telling stories about things I've long forgotten about. The two of us are long past our days of eating raw ramen noodles in a closet, as well as a thousand other embarrassing stories from the years we've known each other, but we still manage to do thiings while hanging out that im sure the two of us will be embarrassed of a year from now.

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