Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 14 - crazy swiss family - Andrei Zivkovic

For my thanksgiving my family and I usually go up to New Jersey to see the rest of our family and spend some quality time. This may sound normal but my family isn’t normal. Imagine having a grandma yelling around the kitchen in her Swiss accent asking how to work her phone or my uncle making racist jokes about his sons new college roommate who’s Chinese and the first thing he asks when they meet is do you wanna visit us on holiday we can have dog. My family is just an outgoing group everywhere we go it’s not that typical American family with a white fence that you expect. Some of my favorite traditions are our hike that we go on every Christmas and Thanksgiving when we are up there and we also go to a Broadway show whenever we visit and we get to explore New York some then as well. Another thing I love is just the bonding that I get to have with my cousins since we’re all a year apart and I’m the 2nd youngest. We go out and are able to hangout and catch up and that’s one thing I love about it and we get along super well all being close In age and all that. So overall my family is not the picture perfect family but I love them no matter what .

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