Sunday, December 8, 2019

blog post 9 - Jake Waits

In my opinion, there is a time for war and that is when another country commits an injustice that needs to be acted on such as Germany invading Poland in 1939. A declaration of war is morally right if it is for the right cause. In world war two Germany was systematically killing jews and other minorities while invading nearby countries such as Poland. The allies and Russians saved millions of lives by stopping Germany even though the war effort cost millions of soldiers and civilian lives on both sides. Certain times when a country is responsible for going to war are when another country exerts its power on a group of people or another country that cannot defend themselves. A few alternatives to war are tariffs and political moves in order to weaken the opponent but these aren't always effective if the country is large enough to be self-sufficient or are allied with their main trading partners.

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