Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sarah Clark- Assignment 15- ap euro and tennis :)

Where to even begin... AP European History is literally the best thing in the entire world. I clearly remember the hours of discussions I had with my brother, who took the class 2 years earlier.  We would argue over who the most important person of Europe was (me: Napoleon, him: Marx), then who the most important person of Russia was (me: Lenin, him: Peter the Great), then who the most important person was from the 19th century (me: Metternich, him: Louis XIV). Anyway, I remember the day of the AP Exam as if it were yesterday. Obviously, I was really nervous for the exam, and I had to play in the semi-finals of the city tennis tournament right after. But, before the exam, I remember re-reading my textbook, and ENJOYING it. I remember watching review videoes, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. I remember on the way to the AP Exam: my brother was taking me, and we had some extra time before the exam. He knew how nervous I was, so he forced me back into the car (even though I was freaking out because he wouldn’t tell me where we were going, and I thought he was going to make me miss the exam). He ended up driving us to McConnell Springs, and we just walked in silence. It was extremely peaceful, and cleared my mind entirely. We finally drove back to Spurr Road, and I took the exam. Turns out I got a 5. At my tennis match, where the Lafayette Coach, per usual, harassed me and clapped/screamed “LET’S GO!” at all of my mistakes, I just tuned him out and won 6-2, 6-1, placing me in the finals of the City Tournament, and winning me a high seed at Regionals. Anyway, I got off track a little at the end, but AP Euro is the BEST. And I meant to mention this earlier, but Mrs. Behler is amazing, and a huge factor of why AP Euro was the great experience it was for me.

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