Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assignment 3- Penelope Pierson- Wow, Penelope is talking about Japan again, what a surprise.

Japan. You can talk to me for 0.2 seconds and you would already know how much I love Japan. I was originally born in Illinois, the complete opposite, but somehow I've grown to appreciate the smallest of things coming from Asia. I have always enjoyed learning about other people's cultures, it's just nice to know the opposite of what I've grown up with. Though, with my mothers side of the family being from Hong Kong, I guess I did have some past experience with what Asia was offering to me. I had the opportunity to visit Japan, not just have a layover in the Narita airport, and it was life-changing. It took MONTHS of persuasion to get my mom to let me go, but one fateful day, a WEEK before applications were due, my mom finally said yes while waiting to be seated at Olive Garden. From then on, my poor friends were bothered every day on me counting down when I'll be able to go to Japan. on July 19th, I left for Louisville -though I was set back when I had to head back home because I lost my debit card only to find it at the top of the trash- but once we got to Louisville, my mom and my brothers enjoyed themselves exploring caves while I was on a plane headed to LAX, and eventually Japan. To skip all the overly boring stuff and to get to the main point of this blog post, Japan was incredible. I had a feeling it may not be as good as I had always imagined it, and that I'd be disappointed, but thankfully I was incorrect. The culture, sytle, mannerisms, literally to the way I interacted with everyone I met, it exceeded my expectations. Needless to say, the moment I got home and my dad greeted me at the door, I went into a heavy depression being back home rather than my hosts family floor watching TV. The experience made me realize how much America sucked. So many people are impolite here, including myself, but also customer service is revolting in the States. I was treated with so much patience and respect in Japan as a 16 year old, while I can't go to my local Walmart's self-checkout without someone thinking I'm going to steal something.

To sum this all up because it would be a lot longer if I don't, Japan = God Tier Service. I want to go back, and I'm working on it at the moment, but also I see that America really needs to step up their service if they want me to stick around.

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