Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assignment 8 - Landon d'Angelo

Fears: Spiders, failure
Annoyances: slow wifi, not much else
Accomplishments: good academics, decent at soccer
Confusions: why I am forced to take social studies classes
Sorrows: my mom living in another state now, not being able to travel much
Dreams: getting accepted to the university of my choosing
Idiosyncracies: have multiple alarms a few minutes apart because the first one won't wake me up
Risks: college applications
Beloved Possessions (then and now): my wallet and cat (both)
Problems: procrastination (I always get it done though), I never study

My greatest sorrow, at least currently, is that my mom now lives in another state. Over the summer she moved to Indiana for work and this caused some issues because my dad still lives here in Lexington. I originally moved with her at the end of last summer to see if I liked living there. Turns out that I didnt like it so I moved back a few weeks ago after being there for a couple of months. The experience of being there was unusual and the school I was going to was very different from Henry Clay. First off, I obviously didnt know anyone there, and second, the school had over 5,000 students so figuring out how to get around was difficult. It didnt work out so I decided to come back but it was a difficult decision because I am very close with my mom. It is also difficult to be able to go and visit because it takes three hours to drive there.

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