Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assignment #7 Juliann Hyatt im going to UK

My ideal college is the University of Kentucky because (hopefully) I can go there for free. If I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or a quantum physicists or a rocket scientist then maybe I could convince myself to spring the money to go to an ivy league school, but seeing as I just want to be a cybersecurity expert I don’t see the point of being in debt for the rest of my life for an overkill degree. Plus if I got to go to UK I could possibly take an art class or something; I can hardly allow myself to get soda instead of water,  if I end up having to pay for college I couldn’t bring myself to take a class that wasn’t directly for a degree. So hopefully I can get my full ride to an instate school and maybe enjoy my education and by extension my professional life.

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