Tuesday, October 29, 2019

assignment 7 - Jake Waits

My ideal college currently is the University of Kentucky. While this could change it is my optimal college choice right now because even though it is a large state school it is local which means I’ll meet new people while better retaining my friendships and relationships from high school. I also already know the campus pretty well so the transition into college life won’t be so troublesome. UK is my top choice right now because I’m thinking of majoring in either business or engineering which UK has good programs for both of those majors. College is the last chance you get to be a kid while you prepare for life and UK has a vibrant atmosphere on and off-campus. Although I’m focused on UK for my decision for college I’m taking into account which college would be the best deal. I would go to a less Ideal college or university if it meant less debt for me in the future.

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